Two NCs and a TR walk into a bar...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bluEyedillusions, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. bluEyedillusions

    -- "Wait, why two NCs? Shouldn't it be an NC, a VS and a TR walk into a bar?"

    "Oh, my bad. There was one of each... the VS was just using giraffe camo."

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  2. bluEyedillusions

    Tough crowd. I'll show myself out.
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  3. Isila

    NC are boxy and square-like. VS are sleek and more pointed, like blades. TR are round, like circles or bubbles.
  4. bluEyedillusions

  5. PaladinZERO

    I was playing an a Vanu and I almost lit up someone in that camo thinking they were NC. Not a wise choice for a non NC cha. They must be TK all the time.
  6. Wibin

    I got a great kick out of that.
  7. bluEyedillusions

    Yeah, it's a goofy problem...
  8. Wibin

    NC has a camo that makes them look like VS too. I went to shoot a guy the other day and he looked VS, then he wasted me. haha.
  9. T0rin

    Which one is that? Nonexistent Crystal Camo?
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  10. QuantumMechanic

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  11. VoidMagic

    pfft NC don't got no chicks. VS got ALL the chicks.
    also... lulz
  12. Wibin

    i've no idea.
  13. Nightwolf

    Did you just call me fat :(
  14. Fiatsu

    Looks like i need to commission some saucy VS chick pics.
  15. Saint-Ange


    Pheww.. now imagine their chicks ...
  16. RocketKhruschev

    Too bad Vanu women are saving themselves for the aliens.

    Or for the machine love.
  17. bluEyedillusions

    That... erm... VS toe.
  18. Crywalker

    And they all say "ouch!"

    Heh, get it....they like, bumped into a bar. Hahahaha,
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  19. Mordrake

    10/10 would spot.
  20. Hashi

    Ha. no TR women. [IMG]