Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by ZeroDarkest, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. ZeroDarkest

    The Vanu Enlightenment Task-force

    TVET is an Up-and coming Outfit And I still need plenty of help to mold and shape this outfit to the GLORY of Vanu


    Yes you, Down in front.
    Vanu Enlightenment Task-force is the Vanu' "leaders" In the Enlightenment Outfit
    Making sure those TR and NC Dogs See the Glory of VANU

    TVET will be Semi-Realistic in its orders and how we run.
    There will be Planed "Ops nights" Along side our Sister Outfit the V7TH
    But we UNDERSTAND that Life comes before games.
    And Don't Mind if you Miss a "Few" Ops here and there

    I'll Update This As More Information is needed

    For now this Outfit has no real "Req" but they MIGHT be later on.

    MSG me ingame/ FR me
  2. ZeroDarkest

    NVM Outfit Closed.