[Suggestion] Turret usage rights

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by FischiPiSti, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. FischiPiSti

    TL;DR: This thread isnt about the AV turret beeing op -i don't think it is-, if you thaught so, then move along, nothing to see here.


    The engineer class is a support class, especially with their deployables. Drop an ammo crate, everybody benefits from it (even enemies). However other deployables - turrets dont support your team. Sure, you kill enemies with them, but if you look it that way, then every class is support...Not to mention, beeing on turret duty inhibits your ability to act as a support - repair, rearm.
    Bottom line: I never understood why deployed turrets cant be manned by other people. You deploy that turret for yourself, not for your team, and that shouldnt be the philosophy of 'ze engineer.
    Lets say the game handles turrets like vehicles: You spawn one like before, but now, you press page down, and voila: total control over who you let acces to your turret: Default should be locked for obvious reasons, then squad lock for your squad mates, and unlocked for anyone.
    You have your turret unlocked, you are repairing, resupplying, and giving AV capabilities for your confused infiltrators who have nothing better to do. THAT is support right there. And you get rewarded for it with kill assist XP when your pawn kills somebody with your turret.

    Bear with me im drunk atm, but if you disaggree with me, just have a few shots, you'll see my point.
    Trust me,
    • Up x 3
  2. Nintyuk

    Good Idea, all though issues arise with the fact you can only control one vehicle at a time plus if you need to spawn another turret what happens when someone is using your other one?
  3. DurandaI

    The more of these tequilasi downth e better you rargument!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. FischiPiSti

    Page down should cycle through vehicle/turret control

    If you spawn another turret, then the old one gets deconstructed, like with other vehicles. *

    *Taking no responsibility for bu7thurt infiltrators who teamkill you for taking away their new toy.
  5. vooodooov

    Great Vid!