[Suggestion] Turret Telepresence Arcades

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Firejack, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Firejack

    Like Video Game Arcades but hate;
    • Being sniped while repairing turrets
    • Repair gun over-heating while repairing
    • Being a free source of kills for your enemy
    • Getting gunned down by a Light Assault the moment you exit a turret
    • Spending 2 minutes navigating the labyrinth of your base to reach the turret, only to be bombed by a Liberator?
    Then read on!

    Had some particularly enjoyable experience with Turrets around Hvar. Unfortunately that represents 1% of my experience. Most of the time turrets are terrible.

    The main issue is the last reason I mentioned above. A single Liberator with Zepher makes it impossible to man any turret and return fire.

    Solution - Turret Telepresence Arcades. Remotely control and repair turrets!
    In order to implement this fast/easily I suggest;
    • These would look like a standard equipment/vehicle terminal but have a turret icon.
    • Current turret mechanics would remain.
    Right now it simple takes too long to reach the turret. I suggest moving the Turret Telepresence Arcades to high traffic areas where the defenders find themselves instead of having to leave the defence of the main facility to man a turret on the perimeter.
    I want to position the terminals in a position where the defenders will have easy access to them, when they need them. Without fear of being stabbed while using them.
    • Anti-air Turret Terminals would be located within the spawn room. There is plenty of space on the floor above the spawn tubes in main bases to add enough terminals for each turret.
    • Anti-tank Turret Terminals would be located around the SCU.
    • Anti-Infantry Turret Terminals that face inward on the bigger bases would be located around the main Capture Point.
    Using the Terminals
    I want the Terminals to be easily visible with a simple colour code highlighting them so people know their status without needing to use them to find out.

    • Green - Turret available, fully repaired. Press E to use
    • Orange - Turret available, needs repairs. "Insert Coin" - When the turret is damage you can run up to it and hold E to repair. This would consume 50 infantry resources. This infantry resource is there to stop the turrets being constantly remotely repaired by the defenders.
    • Red - Turret unavailable. Either someone is physically sat in the turret or its in use by the person standing by the Turret Telepresence Terminal. Or an enemy has hacked it.
    Effect on base defence
    • No longer will on Liberator dominate the squads of troops itself. From the safety of your spawn room you'll be able to remotely operate and repair the anti-air defences.
    • You don't have to choose between defending the SCU and manning a turret. You can be in the same room and switch between roles in seconds.You don't have to leave the main Control Point to help push the attackers back out the courtyard.
    • Defenders will be able to defend and push out without having to wait for overwhelming force to arrive to help.
    Plus we have lots more flashing terminals that light up and glow like a Video Game Arcades. Its a new mini-game in itself :D

    Thanks for reading . Comments welcome!
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  2. Deathcapt

    I also though of remotely operated turrets, I feel like they should be repaired by hand though.

    I feel like the terminal should be close enough to the turret, but "inside the base". I'd much rather infils where able to kill people operating the turret, than people dying when they turret is destroyed. We, today have the CROWS system, so there's no reason in the future, people would have to physically go to turrets to use them. Even in the planetside universe, all vehicles use remotely operated weapons. Additionally, I feel base turrets are far too open right now. They're so Easy to kill, they're basically death traps. Maybe if the turrets were use full, then you'd see more people defending bases.
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  3. Berlioz

    I like this idea as well, with a little modification. I'd set it up so that you could use turrets at any base while sitting in the Warpgate, use one of those unused buildings for terminals, but restrict their usage. 1) you have to cert into Remote Turret Activation, say 250 Certs. 2) you can use turrets at any base that is connected to your Warpgate, but if it's cut-off it's a no-go. 3) an Engineer must physically repair the Turret at the base in question, to maintain balance and prevent farming.

    As I see it, this would let a group of technical operators mount a temporary defense of a critical facility, Tech Lab, Amp Station, etc, without needing to be on station, giving Turrets added purpose and functionality, but still leaving them open to tactical assault via back-capping and sabotage. I like it, I want to see more in this thread.
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  4. DrNoesis

    you could further tie the ability in by having certs required to increase the range at which you can remote operate turrets

    tier 1 - 10 certs - remote manage nearby turrets - allows the user to monitor the status of, and remote control turrets within their current control zone.
    tier 2 - 50 certs - remote access local owned turrets (turrets within 2 zones range - connected to your current location)
    tier 3 - 250 certs - remote access regional turrets (turrets within 3-4 zones range - connected to your current location)
    tier 4 - 1000 certs - remote access continental turrets (any turret connected to your current location, irrespective of distance)

    In this way whilst enabling engi's a little more flexibility, you are at least requiring that they invest something for the ability to remote access turrets, in the interest of maintaining interclass balances.

    You could even get extreme then, and build up an infiltrator skill tree in parallel to this one, allowing them to hack and remote control enemy turrets (or damage them with "virus's" or "induced overloads" or interupt remote connections or something)
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  5. UberBonisseur

    Neat, and interesting.

    Turrets could be much more resilient at the cost of getting your Turret Control Room disabled.
    Or put self-regenerating shield on turrets, but have them repaired manually

    The possibilities are endless !
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  6. Firejack

    I do agree they there need to be some limit on repairing turrets remotely. That is why I suggested remote repairing costing Infantry resources.

    Do like the idea of self-regenerating shields. Planetside 1 had just that if you controlled an AMP station.