[Suggestion] Turret Sensitivity Separate From Vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KoSGunny, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. KoSGunny

    I have my vehicle sensitivity set to 0.75, because is suits the Magrider and often the Lightning well for me.

    But then I jump on a Lib tail gun or a Basilisk in a Sundy, etc.. And I can't hit anything because the sensitivity is entirely too high (1" of mouse movement performs roughly a 180 degree turn). (I have a 9,000 DPI mouse, only making this worse.)

    Is there any foreseeable means to have Vehicle sensitivity as it is for actual vehicles, but add a new slider for vehicle turrets?

    As well, would anyone else like this implemented?

    Also, Phalanx turrets.. They're limited by hydraulics so sensitivity doesn't affect this much, but they should probably have the same sensitivity as vehicle turrets just to keep the UI simple, unless ading a Phalanx turret slider isn't unreasonable.
  2. nerubian77

    Agreed just gotta see how sensitivity works with prowler and vanguard turrets.
  3. KoSGunny

    It works similar to the Lightning, somewhat limited by hydraulics.

    But the vehicle turrets for secondaries or any vehicle that is not a tank move freely based only on user input. This often leaves a HUGE difference between the sensitivities of turrets despite them all being set at the same (in my case 75%)