TTB - time to ban

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JTKirk, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. JTKirk

    What's your experience? You fly your ESF at max speed and some low BR dude kills you with the default rocket launcher. I avoid fighting his faction for the next hour, than i try again and he kills me again. One hour later the same story (just happened at midnight EU time). So what's your advise, how much time does it take SOE to ban him, how long should i wait to dare to fly anywhere close to his faction?

    Can't they ban anyone that scores 10 kills in a row on ESFs with the default launcher or any low BR with a ridicolous k/d ratio? Its getting really old. Getting killed that way in my scthe for weeks now.
  2. Simferion

    Report them for aimbot. Don't think people don't get banned.
    In my killboard I'm starting to see a bunch of n/a
  3. GSZenith

    report and step out of your pod spamming veh :)
    • Up x 1
  4. JTKirk

    wow someone dislikes ESF more than aimbotters