Triple station cash.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Posh_Diggory, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. sagolsun

    I took a peek at the ELA.

    The whole image was apparently done all at once, in one session. The dates or text were not modified from any initial lossy JPG. Which means the artist who created this hasn't "shopped" an existing promo image, but composed the entirety himself, based of lossless format assets (TGA, PSD, BMP, AI ect).

    Either a highly skilled forgery (in particular by obtaining/retracing the vectors for SOE, SC ect) or it's authentic. My money's on authentic.
    • Up x 1
  2. Hodo

    So you shouldnt need your money and should give it all to SOE then.
  3. Compass

    Hello, Walmart. Goodbye, money.
  4. Steppa

    Why would we be finding cans of beans? Luminous beings are we...not this crude matter.
  5. SpaceCowboy

    I paid for the sub and bought 5$ SC the other night, good thing I didn't buy more. The once-a-month sale thing only screws their newest users (because others know to wait) which is a pretty crappy business model.
  6. medbot544

    Yea, I have not played SOE game since pre-cu swg (best mmo ever until cu/nge) so I had no idea about 2x and 3x sales so I spent over 100 bucks before I found out about this. Anyways, not spending no more cash until 3x; basic 1500 aint worth it.

    Hope it's true, have 4 cards ready to go.
  7. SpaceCowboy

    Me either! I hated them so much for what they did with SWG and for EQ2 sucking among other things and I vowed to never play another SOE game. I somehow saw the first planetside as not in that world because there was a huge sense of community with it for a time. This one definitely is. I'm still willing to give it a chance. One last chance for SOE.
  8. Yetskii

  9. SpaceCowboy

  10. Jack the Smack

    Your wallet is your greatest voice.
  11. r.Tek

    I'm aware of that. It's exactly why I didn't waste money purchasing any of those wack Battlefield expansions or that lame Premium service after that trash game they released.
    • Up x 1
  12. Ya Wang

    This seems like the best deal.... The current SALES all suck. To be honest their impact on the general community is very limited.
  13. IshanDeston

    I'd like it to be that.

    Its called Amazon and it Ships in other countries. I am sure there are more digital retailers that do that. There used to be an European one that would send you them via email as soon as the cash was confirmed.

    @Them not announcing the sales so people will impulse buy

    Yeah, i hate that. I don't do impuls buys and i like to weight my purchases. I drop the most money when i am able to plan them. If i know for sure there is that event and when it is, i am able to prepare for it. In this case preparing means driving to the city, and getting some cards.

    Yes, i could do digital purchases, but as people pointed out those cards sometimes come with an extra bonus of SC on top of it. There is real incentive to go to Brick and Motar stores to get that stuff. And if i go and buy those cards, and they come with an extra incentive, i am most likely taking 3 cards instead of 2 i would take digitally. (don't really need more than that)
  14. Compass

    I'm driving to Wal-mart to pick up 4 $15s.

    $15 -> 1500 + 500 free = 2000

    2000 x 3 = 6000

    6000 x 4 = 24000

  15. Jawa

    I wish there was a way for Europeans to get their hands on the Walmart cards
  16. Jakobud


    For anyone questioning the validity of this image: This image can be extracted directly from the game files, along with the rest of the 12 Days of Holidays deal images.

    The triple SC deal is legit.
  17. Fleabag

    Fairy 'nuff.

    More fairy 'nuff.
  18. MasterMeNL

    Tell us how or at least PM me in case you're afraid.
    I don't believe this until I've seen it for myself.
  19. Roobarb

    Hold on, wouldn't that be 2000x4= 8000?
  20. Compass

    x 3 = triple station cash, x 4 = four of them.