Triggered animations for eayier coordination and immersion.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kill2This, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Kill2This


    First sorry for my bad english.
    Here is a suggestion which I don't know if it's already talked about.

    It will be really cool and usefull if we can trigger some different animations (with audio).
    Those can bring a lot of immersion thus as you get at the summit of a hill with friends following you an then howling a "Charge the enemy!" with the arm forward (à la Starship Troopers style). Everybody around you should know that there is one directive and will be easier for new players too to know where and when to sacrifice themeself to destroy/attack the objective. Those are triggers who could influence/motivate some timed actions.
    I know there is already voice chat but some easy and accessible animations would be really usefull. Not to mention that those animations should not be time expensive to make and could potentially give SOE more money back.

    Thanks and have a nice week-end.
  2. MCman20

    They could sell some animations that have no use what so ever but look badass or something like those in TF2