TRAC-5 S Bugs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightShift, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. NightShift

    So i got this gun (TRAC-5 S) today and I've had nothing but problems with it.

    First off I got the Grenade launcher that was the only reason i got it.

    And the list of bugs are just growing

    current set up
    Grenade launcher
    Reflex sight
    Flash suppressor

    1# my nades for my GL wont refill half the time "(See video )"

    2# Unable to switch back to my gun after using the GL

    3# when strafing side to side scoped in my gun is off to one side or the other depending on witch way I'm moving until i shoot then snaps to the right location until i stop shooting. "(See video)"

    4# rarely happens when using the GL and switching back to my main gun my bullets wont register

    This is whats happening to me so far

  2. Chiss

    I use exactly the same loadout on NC/VS/TR.

    #1 happens all the time. I thought it might be lower levels of ammo pack not giving grenades?

    #2 never experienced this.

    #3 just bad animations.

    #4 happens to me occasionally, but not after grenades. Sometimes i spawn, and until i die, my bullets wont hit a thing.

    and to add to it

    #5 my carbine grenades sometimes do 0 damage to enemies, despite being a direct or extremely close hit.
  3. Xylogenesis

    Problem: Half our weapons are bugged.

    Solution: Make the bugged weapons unlockables, so people don't know our game is a buggy half finished POS until AFTER they spend money.

    SOE is smart.
    • Up x 1
  4. Talizzar

    I got the GL for mine. Have not used it. I hope they fix these issues soon.
  5. Sylentknight

    I have to respond to this thread. Your #3 is a game-breaking bug when fighting. It happens far to often and makes it nearly impossible to fight while aiming down the sights. #2 happens all the time when I use any engie equipment, annoying, though rectified by mouse scrolling through your weapons. I'll make a ticket on these as well. Thanks for bringing this up.
  6. Feydakin

    All thing that I and others brought up in beta... :(

    Oh and, in before the "ammo packs not refilling grenade launcher working as intended" posts. If that were the case it should explicitly state that first of all, and it wouldn't be such a hit or miss bug. Sometime sit works forever, sometimes it never works and sometimes it stops working and then starts working again randomly...