TraatAdmiral's Guide For Newbie Snipers

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TraatAdmiral, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Some Random Stranger

    I guess I'll give it a shot, but the downsides of the silencer don't really make much of a difference (if any) at the ranges I use the Ghost at. I seems like there isn't really much of a reason to *not* use it. If I'm going for sniping more than 50-60 meters away consistently, I'd just be using the XM98 instead.
  2. Jawarisin

    It's to let you kill moving targets. The silencer makes that more a game of luck than anything. Remove it and you can actually hit moving targets consistently even at close range. The problem is the velocity reduction. Otherwise, Ghost is still my favorite for all ranges sniping.
  3. Kalari

    even tho i have known about the "shoot and scoot" method i almost never put it into practice. until today on indar against the TR. had me a 6 killstreak (record for me). i did however discover the downside. my fellow NC snipers would see me bein successful and move to my snipers perch and constantly call out the target and in the end draw the attention of the counter snipers (who i should mention are just flat out better than me at this point) to my area. *sighs*
  4. TraatAdmiral


    Well, you're right, I suppose. I've played very little NC or VS compared to TR; I have several thousand kills with TR rifles and not even a hundred with NC and VS. But the rifles are literally the same. They're technically not NS, but the XM98, Bolt Driver, and M77-B are the same weapon, and the other tiers are the same. So... I really don't know what the hell you're trying to say here. And for what it's worth, I mentioned the XM98 in the same paragraph as the Bolt Driver and M77. They all got exactly the same amount of attention.