TR WON!!! Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The King, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Optrex

    Im pretty sure the only thing she would leave you with is a smile on your face :)
  2. TeknoBug

    BAHAHAHA I hope not.
  3. ProtossMaster

    Yep, the vanu overall has more population on average.

    However you are false about the nc pop on genudine. During the day, vanu has higher pop while NC dominates the graveward shift. During UES, we had 40-50% pop because we were more organized. We had few people on indar. You guys had simular world pop but you were on indar not amerish. So we won befause of planning and organization.
  4. DrNoesis

    anyone remember that time in the Olympics last year, when Stephen Fry beat Usain Bolt in the men's 100m finals? He didn't turn up, and Bolt put in the fastest time, but he had more followers on Twitter asking to give him the gold.....

    Yeah no, me either.

    Congratulations, Soggy Biscuit, on successfully selling out your integrity and accepting a the win in what was essentially a glorified beauty pageant, mis-sold as some kind of competition to the participants.
  5. Vespie

    "Don't mind all the Vanu flags and dead TR soldiers! We still seriously!"
    • Up x 1
  6. Recce

    NC had 36%-40% pop, how is that double?
  7. RobotNinja

    Wow. A trophy for most twitter fans and not the actual in-game challenges? What a joke.
  8. Comradical

    Severely outnumbered the TR put up the best fight, that's why.
  9. Lendiggity

    how much is rent in La-La-Land?
  10. Comradical

    It's cheap but you have to put up with paulbots.
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    I wonder if the expectation was that the voting would be related to each faction's performance during the event.