Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dafoose, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Dafoose

    Decided to make a NC toon to check their wepons out ect. To my surprise NC wepons are majorly OP if ya dont belive me roll your self anything but a TR and see for your self as a TR I unload full clips into peoples backs they just turn around and shoot me dead WTF is the problem here so I bought STATION CASH to get some wepons thinking that would even the playing feild boy was I majorly wrong basicaly I got totaly shafted. What I want ot know is if anyone else notice this.....
  2. PoopMaster

    o ya op his rit
  3. Antivide

    What are you smoking, and where can I get it.
    • Up x 8
  4. Rane

    I notice, none of the guns are that different for it to make either team utterly terrible. Terrain and tactics will outweigh the minimal difference in fire arms, I would offer you come back to TR and we will teach you to fight! But, stick with NC you will fit right in there.
  5. Antivide

    Yes, stick with NC where people must put effort in order to use their weapons.

    Or use TR easy mode.
  6. SeasickSand

    So what you all doing tonight? Oh .. my bad. Keep getting mixed up in these posts.

    Weapons are pretty ballance atm( imho), with factions leading to different play-styles. Don't hate on a gun, switch play-style.
    • Up x 1
  7. Tamas

    lol what?

    You must be pretty bad at shooting stuff....
  8. DerpyHooves

    i must say. you are actually the first person I have seen who hasnt cried about our guns. Tehy actaully are quite good if you cert them properly.
  9. DerpyHooves

    he smoking cosmic muffins.
  10. CaptainRobust

    TR weapons are fantastic.
  11. Lewis_Noire

    Sir, Terran weapons are super powerfull. Big clip and very little recoil weapon barrel make a «press X to win» style in Terran republic so much usefull. Why you thinking that TR weapons is totally useless?

    Do you play with SMG's in actions, like TDI Vector, UMP, MP7?

    Also my google translator can not understand all your sentences.
  12. Mericulux

    people seem to complain about TR, but the VS orion has the exact same DPS, lower recoil, and a faster relead, tradeoffs are more damage fall off at range, and a smaller clip. I recorded this two nights ago on a VS toon i made with zero certs, battle rank 1. no resto kits, no nanoweave, no wep attachements.

  13. Fugly

    TR infantry weapons are overpowered.
  14. Mericulux

    why because they are nearly carbon copies of yours? :)
  15. Gambles

    Obvious OP troll is obvious.
  16. Sobieski14

    Fixed it for you.
  17. Dis

  18. Fugly

    No, because they have less recoil, less bullet spread, faster fire rates, further projectile travel, and typically require less aiming. All TR MAX weapons are superior to VS. Nearly every TR carbine and assault rifle is superior to both NC and VS.
  19. Mericulux

    trolls hate damning evidence. I was nearly insta killing people even when they got the jump on me(1:38) as VS. without bullet certs, nanoweave, or resto kits. you want more power than that? well I guess you could be a server admin with a global kill-all command. rofl.
  20. Mericulux

    wrong. VS weapons have less recoil than TR as far as heavy assault goes. want video proof of that as well? I can happily provide.