[TR] Time to go on strike...from the Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Citizen H, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. Citizen H

    Join me in refusing to buy this lemon until it gets an overhaul.

    To repost my thoughts from Reddit:

    I'm not going to drop SC on the Striker. Nor will I unlock it with Certs. Not until it gets a redesign.
    If you agree that the Striker is a Stinker, I encourage you to follow suit.
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  2. CatinHat

    Anyone forcing you to buy this weapon? Anyone forcing you to buy any of the weapons.

    Knowing Sony, they will make a mk.II of each rocket launcher.
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  3. HadesR

    Mk II The Max version :p
  4. Ash87

    We need to be able to lock on to maxes, to provide the TR with some kind of TR specific counter to max suites
  5. CatinHat

    Maxes are not counted as armor, but as infantry. Maxes laugh at tank mines but trip anti personal mines. If you make maxes count as armor... think of how they will handle and the amount of armor they can have.
  6. QuakerOatsMan

    While I appreciate its design and animations, I do agree it is rather lackluster, simply because of the way it functions. I agree with your points and have been posting similar thoughts in my posts. Also, one potentially huge drawback you didn't mention and that Higby did not demonstrate/mention was whether its missiles lost lock unless you kept your crosshair on the target. I am rather disappointed with the striker's function compared to the other two launchers.
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  7. Lord Robert

    I was REALLY looking forward to this one too. Had my SC earmarked for it.
    But after watching the video, and for some of the reasons stated in the OP, I'll be joining you on this strike.

    Still rocking the Skep/Grounder combo. This POS makes me sad. It could have been so much more too.
  8. Ash87

    I'm glad you started playing the game. It's good to see players come from other games coming to Planetside 2.

    You see, while Maxes trip prox mines as infantry, they also take extra damage from tank mines and AP rounds, because of the armor they have. You can see that if you ever try to make a max trap. A max trap currently consists of 1 Anti-tank mine, and 1 Claymore, or prox mine. By using this, you can pretty much destroy a max suite. Another thing that will 2 hit a max suite are the HA Anti-vehicle mines, which are known for their ability to destroy armor.

    Anyway again, Welcome to the game :cool:
  9. Lord Robert

    "You see, it works exactly like the annihilator, except it shoots a few little rockets right in a row! To compensate for this advantage, you have to keep the target in your sights while the missiles are in the air. Awesome huh?"
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  10. Mxiter

    i was ready to unlock AV turret with certs and buy this with SC... I think i'll stick my grounder if it won't change :eek:
  11. QQmore

    WAAAAH MY Weapon isn't the bestest. Someone halp! Seriously, cry to your momma. I doubt even she will care. L2p nub.
  12. jdono67894

    It will be interesting to see how far the TR population dips after the striker bomb hits.
    I have my bets on hitting single digits for some servers.
  13. BalogDerStout

    You know that this weapon has the lowest TTK out of all of them? Right? What more do you want from a no-aim required weapon that does more damage per volley than the other launchers? Should it also make your bed, cook you breakfast and walk the dog?

    Has the lowest TTK of all the ESL's. Whats the problem?
  15. Bill Hicks

    From here on out were will now refer to the striker as " LILPOD"
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  16. TheBloodEagle

    Shut up forum scrub with your terrible reading comprehension.
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  17. Nocturnal7x

    Fuel that reditside

  18. Maljas23

    As I said in my own thread, this thing needs to be able to be able to be dumbfired at the very least. I won't say it won't be powerful or not because obviously we don't have it yet, but just from a unique standpoint.. its just another lock on launcher that we may or may not have to hold our crosshair on.
  19. Amrok1

    When did HA get mines of any sort? Are you sure you should be sarcastic about other people being new to the game?

    Back on topic, the Striker will be the best AA lockon in the game. NC and VS ESFs will have to use flares. If it turns out that the Striker not being able to attack MAXes is a big deal (assuming that inside bases where non-AA MAXes get pulled TR don't switch to the basic AV dumbfire rocket), then the devs can make it so the Striker is capable of dumbfire at a slow(er) rate of fire than the lock on rate of fire.
  20. Breidr

    Mediocre faction gets mediocre equipment. My point is proven again. This game will never have balance.
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