[TR] The Sauss is looking for a competitive outfit :o

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by HawtSauss, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. HawtSauss

    I was bored out of my mind with BF4 so I started playing PS2 during the holidays and got hooked almost instantly and now that I have a good grasp on the mechanics and strats, I'm ready to make the leap into the comp scene.

    As you can see my stats are pretty solid. 5.11 K/D, 302.7 SPM, 0.83 KPM, around 30-ish accuracy with my main weapons, etc... I even made the #1 spot on the daily kills board for a little while on Connery once last week. There are some things I still need to work on but I learn fast.

    I have some comp experience on other games so its nothing new.

    I'm mainly an infantry player right now but I'm getting good in vehicles lately.
  2. OdinsPride

    Well if you want a great experience running with a tight knit team check out The Dread Legion OPS tonight at 6pm pst.
    Having good stats is great, and I commend you for them.
    Just be aware that when you run with us, the team comes first not your stats. Not saying that's your mindset, just wanted to put it up front.
    I think you'll find that you can still get all the pub stomping you want, but now you'll have a skilled team with you that can watch your back, and you can watch theirs. Makes the game a million times more fun I assure you...

    If you have any questions, just DM me on the forums.
    If you are interested in running with us tonight, friend me in game (OdinsPride) and we can get you the TS info!

    Looking forward to hearing from you my friend.

  3. Gables

    CIK's recon element currently runs one tight knit infantry drop squad and is looking to expand into a second. (sounds like you would fit in nicely!) If you want an amazing infantry experience while being part of a combined arms force add myself or Patroclusx to your friends and we would be happy to have you along!
    • Up x 1
  4. Church41349

    I was going to say an outfit you might want to try talking with would be [MERC] if your looking for someone who is a bit competitive
  5. Coltorl

    These guys, TRG and TxR are great. I'd recommend them to any TR looking for a solid group of reds.
  6. HawtSauss

    Yeah, I have good stats but I don't play for stats. I'll check out these teams and add you guys in game.