[TR] The Enclave wants YOU!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. Metallideth

    TE is one of the best outfits I have been in. Join us if you want to crush your opponents.
  2. xWarMachine

    Ops time changes

    M-W-F from 5-11PM EST

    Be on as operations are now only 3 nights a week!
  3. DeadOnArrival

    OPS are back to 5 days a week now.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    Just joined TE, watched BCP's Twitch stream to see how the outfit worked and I liked how they stomped over everyone.

    Buzz is a bit hard at times, but if we win **** it
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  5. Jezem

    Join The Enclave! They make a solid and organized foe. I love and dread fighting them. They have a dedicated cadre that makes them one of the most effective fighting forces on Mattherson... and a thorn in the collective VS side. So if you hate men in tight purple pants and you like an organized abd consistent outfit, join the Enclave!
  6. Best AssassinAU

    Best Outfit, heaps of fun
  7. QuipQuip

    Left my old server to join these guys. Here's what I found:

    -Focus on fights instead of capping aka lots of kills (and more chance to learn with lots of backup if you **** up)
    -Teamspeak is seperated by squad so everyone gets a chance to speak up without having to wait for Mr social butterfly to take a breath
    -Always get revived a couple seconds after dying
    -Never get your kill streaks ruined by running out of ammo
    -Your MAX suit never dies from attrition due to ADD engineers (also gets revived quickly if killed, as above)
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  8. BloodRedWizard3

    Buzz is The Col. Kilgore of Planetside . You know he's crazy but, you'll follow him all the way to hell cause he makes military miracles happen on a daily basis .

  9. OKBuick

    I've been running with the TE for a couple months and can tell you this is just not true. TE leadership is constantly trying to get us into the biggest fights they can. The difference between this outfit and others I sampled is the discipline which comes from the TE leadership. They use the best tactics, the smartest weapons loadouts, and unmatched speed and coordination to destroy the enemy before they can usually react. When we come down on you... it does seem like there's a lot more of us than there really is.

    I don't get to play with the Enclave as much as I'd like, but when I do, It's a blast, we get a lot done, and the time flys. Leadership in the Enclave know the tactics that work and won't waste your time with the BS that doesn't.

    If you want to wait 5 minutes for all your outfit to show up at the warpgate for a gal drop as I experienced sampling other outfits... don't join. If you want uncoordinated leadership that has no ideal what they are doing or where they want to fight... don't join. If you like retreating to the warpgate and switching contintents at the first sign of a challenge.... please don't join.

    If you want teammates and leadership that hustle and keep the game moving and redeploy, defend and cap faster than any other outfit.... join up. You will have fun winning, and TE will make you a better player.
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  10. nerfh3rder

    cause who brings inferior numbers to a fight? im sorry but you would make the worst commander in any army, video game wise or real world.
  11. Klumzy

    Seriously, anyone who plays Terran Republic, join these guys. I'm an NC guy myself and I love fighting these dudes. They're tactical, efficient, and lethal and they usually always win. I'd join if I was TR but I'm a rebel at heart.
  12. BuzzCutPsycho

    Recruitment has gone to closed applications. All new members need to head to www.enclaveoilrig.com and post up an application.

  13. Spets

    Honestly the only real opponent that had any tactics, some kinda cheesy but still respectable. I too pray this game turns around as it is currently headed over the falls. We all await your return.
  14. Aander

    I don't even play on Mattherson (Waterson TR here), but it has always pleased me that you guys were fighting the good fight and giving our enemies a hard time. Good luck, and hope to see you return someday.
  15. GorgoHammer

    Buzz closed recruiting for PlanetSide 2.

    In case you weren't sure, TE really did quit POS2. That's 600 players from TR that left.

    Want to know why TE chose to go inactive? Read the explanation at:

    And for those who are glad TE left so they can overpop VS and win, it was a pleasure Gal dropping 3 platoons on you and crushing your little purple or blue heads . . . now we leave you to play with yourselves . . .
  16. RobotNinja

    Joined: May 3, 2013
    Messages: 1
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    GorgoHammerTR: BR10 0.3 KDR (23 Kills), Last Played: May 6
    GorgoHammerNC: BR10 0.3 KDR, Last Played: May 6
    GorgoHammer: (VS) BR22, 0.4 KDR, Last Played: May 6

    Please tell us more about your vast amount of experience with the Terran Republic, The Enclave and Planetside 2 in general. You haven't played in 2 months and achieved a whopping 23 kills and BR10 as a Terran Republic player but you're sure here to boast and suck up all the glory you can about the whole half a day you played in the TR. The last day you played you played about an hour as TR and then spent 3 hours shooting at (attempting to anyway) your "fellow" Terran Republic soldiers. I certainly hope The Enclave rewards your loyalty and bravey!
  17. Lightblindz

    u do know thats probably not his main character right?
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  18. GorgoHammer

    Oh, silly noob, this is not the account I joined The Enclave with. I took what I had already learned from playing PS2 and specifically went to join TE where I served as a Squad Leader during ops.

    Look up the player: BigJohnsonLogan BR 43
  19. Tristan

    The fact that some people actually believe that 300-600 people 'obeyed' RacistCuttPsycho and stopped playing PS2 all at once is absolutely hilarious.
  20. Lightblindz

    im pretty sure people quit because without ops this game is a pos.
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