[TR] T5AMC replacement

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Lorginir, May 9, 2013.

  1. Lorginir

    Hi there!
    I play mostly HA but have engineer alt. I've mostly used T5AMC for quite a long time with 3.4x red dot sight, advanced grip, compensator and HV ammo. It was accurate, controllable and reliable gun and suited me well, but since GU08 it is completely different. Vertical recoil is higher, horizontal recoil is terrible, weapon waves left-right uncontrollably, even bullet spread pattern feels different. I tried to change attachments but hardly anything has changed. So now I'm looking for something to replace T5AMC as my main weapon. What could you suggest for close-medium/close range?
  2. Virulent0o

    I would go for the Trac 5 S with under-barrel shotgun.
    Play with default iron sight or 2x Red dot - the recoil won't jump as crazily as compared to 3.4x, or higher, scopes.
    Switch to shotty inside buildings.
  3. DiveXx

    I run with the Trac 5 s with compensator, forward grip currently. funny thing is i thought about buying the T5AMC because it should be alot better in the role i want it, medium to long range. For short ranges to medium ranges i would get the jaguar(good hip fire) or the trac 5 s , you also could go with a smg + commsioner or a shotgun + commisioner (though i wouldn't recommend this one as your main setup). It's up to you, i would go with jaguar/trac 5 s or the smg ;)
  4. harbinger13

    SMG-46 Armistice is a beast
  5. RobinTheRude

    TR doesn't currently have a long-range carbine that could hold a candle to the Pulsar C or Razor. The damage models simply are not there.

    I guess you could try the AMR-66 in the meantime. It's price has been dropped down to 250 certs, and you can also use it on your Heavy Assault.
    • Up x 1
  6. MorganM

    I've been very happy with both the Jaguar and Hailstorm on my ENG.
  7. TheOnlyFrankie

    Use the Jaguar, and you will never need to aim down you sight :p
  8. Tommyp2006

    The NS-11C is almost a clone of the AMC, it's a very similar weapon. If you want to stick with that playstyle.

    Otherwise, the Jaguar is a GREAT weapon for close-med range, especially considering it is only 250 certs.
  9. TheOnlyFrankie

    Use the Jaguar, equip Adv. Laser Sight, and you will never ever needed to aim down sight :D
  10. Phrygen


    T5 AMC and the NS-11c are still the most reliable and accurate carbines. I used Jaguar before but after the nerf, the T5 AMC is where its at.

    If the recoil pattern of the t5 AMC is no longer to your liking, use the NS-11c. its basically the exact same gun with a more predictable upwards and to the left recoil pattern. Similarly to the difference between the jaguar and the lynx. You will always compensate the exact same way with the NS-15, so once you get used to it its very accurate. even in sustained fire. if you prefer to have more of a back and forth horizontal recoil that is unpredictable at times but never strays too far, then go with the AMC. I use the AMC just cause i own it already anyway from alpha squad... or i'd probably go with the NS.

    Frankly... after the accuracy nerf the jaguar isn't that great anymore. Trac 5 is just as good if not better.

    battle rifles are trash. only decent one is the edilon (VS) and if then its not that good. AMC and NC-11c are solid.
  11. St0mpy

    jaguar or shotgun