TR Overpopulation Issues

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Valkar, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. Valkar

    So the vast majority of Servers are still dominated by huge TR pops and with the incoming NC and VS factions and TR getting no nerf on the Fracture and a buff on the MCG I'm really worried that even more players will play TR.

    On Miller many Vanu Outfits are already talking about switching to TR until they fix both the NC and VS and I believe some NC outfits are going with them. When will the Devs not admit that they currently have a game where the TR are growing in numbers and the VS especially are falling. NC have clung on but with their incoming Max nerf I fear that will change too.
  2. Fernator

    Funny, Woodman is the exact opposite.
    VS 35-40%
    NC around 33%
    TR around 28-30%

    You can't balance the game like that. Faction population issues aren't ps2 wide. They're server wide.
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  3. P4NJ


    Having half this forum covered in these topics isn't helping out at all. In face, new people might go here, see that the VS are underpopulated and choose other factions instead of themselves.

    Post something constructive about this issue, don't whine because this has been posted here millions of times. And if you think SOE doesn't know about this, well, plain and simple, they do. It's not a simple problem to fix. You saw the VS visuals update, which brought a bit more balance to some servers, and they're working on it. If you have any ideas, post it in the ideas and suggestions forum. In fact, I have a topic there with some ideas that was quickly drowned by all the whining:

    If you think they're good, bump it up.
  4. Nathaniak

    Can't the devs change the recommended server for each region to shove new players into the factions and servers that need them?
  5. SShocK

    Is it true that TR have overpop on most of the servers?
    I only play on Miller but i was under the impression that is was more of a Miller thing only.
    btw, last night prime time TR had 34% world pop. (surprisingly)
  6. Ribero

    Who knows, maybe as the total population declines and they release more and more continents, we can have one server to rule them all.
  7. TheStink

    Switching is for the weak! Stay and fight the TR! Never surrender! :)


  8. isLA

  9. Snib

    O rly? TR has the smallest game wide population. Try again...

    (population imbalance sucks though)
  10. JokeForgrim

    Seems like the giant total pop spike on 22nd March made it hard to look at the faction specific pop curves/numbers.

    I also like the fact that pop goes up every patch, then drops off until a hotfix. Then play for two weeks, then repeat.
  11. Mxiter

    Miller isn't the vast majority of servers.
  12. TheStink

    I'm well aware of the population imbalance isLA .I'd rather post a little positive fun and make light of the situation being the underdog; rather than go around making belittling assumptions about people I don't know. Relax and chill. I still log in and have fun and don't concern myself with the odds. Times will improve again on Miller as the summer draws to close. :rolleyes:
  13. RWJP

    Coz that's really going to help the situation isn't it...

    You're no better than the plague of 4th Factioners we've got already!
  14. Cougarbrit

    I love it when people still claim TR have overpop on the majority of servers.

    It just proves they don't know what they're talking about.
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  15. XOLiD

  16. Ganelon

  17. c4r151

    2 servers =/= "the vast majority of servers"

    Only Miller and Waterson have a major TR overpopulation.
  18. IronWarrior

    Really? Good.

    Come join us, we have cakey and lolis.
  19. huller

    Ballant lies underlined for your convenience. TR combined across all servers are slightly underpop when compared to the total NC/VS pops.

    There is your problem right there. And to think you guys keep complaining that it's the TR's fault. I also never quite got the enteire deal with the fractures since Ravens are wire guided and deal more damage per shot making it a two hit instagib considdering you have two of them.

    Also, MCG still has a lower RoF than the serpent and GD-7F, and a RoF equal to the VX-thingie carbine (which outpreforms it's TR (aka the RoF faction)'s equivalent, the Jaguar, by 50 RoF, same goes for the Lynx-Serpent/GD-7F by 45 RoF), all ESHA got/are about to get a buff, stop complaining.