TR or VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LightNeZz, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. FocusLight

    I have an NC character.

    It's been reincarnated half a dozen times.

    Because I keep rage-deleting it in frustrated bouts of pain and misery. 3 guesses as to why.
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  2. LightNeZz

    So NC is not a good choice?
  3. Villanuk

    NC is a good choice, great tank, great guns once you mastered then. Really fun max and the best in my opinion.

    If you intend playing infantry and want it easy the go VS, more challenging then NC but just as rewarding although the VS have the edge on guns.
  4. Mxiter

    Lockdown masterrace.
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  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    TR guns have such a satisfying feel to them. they're not very accurate or controllable but they look so powerful and sound so beefy. like if you fire a TAR, TMG-50 or 200-rounds CARV-S on full volume you will know what i am talking about;)

    that said, i only chose VS because of the Magrider (hovertank, yay!) but pretty much hate their infantry weapons (except the Corvus, maybe). but you gotta decide for yourself, mane...
  6. Ballto21

    TR maxes are good defenders with lockdown, but short of NC shotgun maxes when it comes to breaching a room the pounders are some of the best in class, and im not sure why but ive done better with mercies than blueshifts in a push.
  7. Cynicismic

    Well, and speaking as a VS soldier, I really must tell you to go for the TR, depending on which class you'd like to play the most.

    Sound strange? Well, I have always played the Vanu Sovereignty as primarily an Infiltrator, an Engineer, and a Combat Medic, because support roles really match my playing style. Though when I gave the TR a go, I found their guns easier to use than those of the VS, (bear in mind that this is just my own opinion through my own experiences), I found them more accurate at range, and were more forgiving when you missed due to the higher ammunition per magazine and the higher RoF. I played primarily a Light Assault as the TR, and found it much easier to play than the Light Assault of the Vanu Sovereignty, and the standard guns, as I found in my experience, were much more satisfying and approachable.

    If you want to play as a dedicated Light Assault trooper, then I'd say that the TR is your best bet. They look the part and their guns suit the role. If you can get behind enemy defences, the high RoF and 40-round clips will make mincemeat of your enemies, (note that I tried to play NC Light Assault, though found the guns too heavy and slow-firing). Likewise, the TR Engineer would be a safe option because it also gets the TRAC-5, (I think) - this gun has good RoF and a larger than average magazine size in exchange for sluggish muzzle velocity and great upwards recoil, though with practice these effects can be negated. I would say that for Combat Medics, the VS would be my preferred option because you get the Pulsar VS1, which is a very capable gun at close-to-mid ranges, (long ranges are harder because the dispersion seemingly increases rapidly). The same applies to Heavy Assault troopers, because the VS get very powerful guns such as the Orion and the Lasher, in addition to very good plasma-rocket-launcher-troll weapons.

    In the instance of MAXes, I'd go with the NC, because of close-range shotguns that literally tear through all enemies you'll encounter in the close-range fights that happen in most facilities. Likewise, for piloting, the Reaver is arguably the most fun ESF to fly, and the guns actually feel like they do damage in comparison to the Mosquito, (and it's hard to say "no" to Breaker Rocket Pods, too), though the Scythe is also a very good piece of kit, to say the least. I myself can't fly in this game to save my life, though I've had the most success in the Scythe in terms of not failing catastrophically, though the Reaver handles beautifully. In addition, I prefer playing NC Infiltrators because the Mag-Shot is a ridiculously easy sidearm to use, and the NC-14 Bolt Driver is a silly-powerful standard sniper rifle. I've had far more success sniping as the NC than as any other faction hands-down; similarly, the Mag-Shot is also a blissfully good stock pistol.

    When regarding tanks, I have the most fun with the Magrider because it can climb mountains and reach places that tanks really shouldn't be able to reach. Though Empire-specific MBTs are really not my forte because I play the universal Lightning. You'd have to ask someone else when talking about Empire-specific armour, though from my impressions, Magriders are funny because they're essentially a vehicular derpathon that takes the mick out of physics. Vanguards are also irritating because they can shield themselves like the Heavy Assault can, and also have very good armour and alpha, while the Prowler has two main guns. When mounting a Vulcan or a rocket launcher as its secondary, this thing is a nightmare to face.

    Ultimately, it's your choice. Try each faction out and get a taster, and see what floats your boat. First impressions are very important, and you really should give each Empire a good go to see which faction suits your playing style in terms of weapon philosophy, for want of a better word, (NC has higher alpha though poorer RoF; TR is the opposite, and the VS is the happy middle ground which has taken both principles and mashed them together into very powerful pew-pew guns). Though don't take our word for it. Try each Empire for yourself.

    Then join the Vanu master race. I command you.
  8. Ragnarox

    VS is you wanna win every alert. Latex, more latex and always positive. Vanu is masterrace. Vanu is love.
    TR if you want to hear kids swearing when someone kills them with Orion. Viction faction. Bad for moral and nerves.
  9. Nexus2151

    There is not much to Choose from in VS or TR. TR are basically TR are VS light.
    The avantidges of TR are 10 more bullets in your gun.
    Faster Vehicles.

    The avantidges of the VS better handling on guns for better accuracy.
    Stable and mobile Vehicles which make for easy to use weapon platforms.

    If I were to start again I would play NC and only use the 200 Damge guns for there uniqueness.
  10. jmdafk

    If i had to start again id probably give NC a try as they have some weapons systems that can make a difference.
    I love TR and wont change, But your just one of many targets for the VS. We are like baby turtles running down the beach. And getting down to the sea is only the oppertunity to re-deploy when you realise your the only person waiting to breach the room with 25 orions and 10 maxes in it!
  11. MikeyGeeMan

    Play each to lvl 15 and see which you like better.

    Plus it's nice to have alts. This gives you the ability to switch it up and not get too burned out on one faction.

    I main tr. what can I say artillery tanks mini chain guns. and red. I can't discern purple and blue so it's easy. If it ain't red it needs to be dead.

    Alt vs when I feel the need to Zerg or own up with an Orion on some fools. Or use the vx6-7

    Nc when I want to gd7f or gr22 some people. And play with a shotgun max.
  12. LightNeZz

  13. WTSherman

    NC actually has the lowest number of teamkills per capita, despite their reputation. :p

    Ironically VS has the highest number of teamkills per capita, though a lot of that is probably the Magmower.
  14. LightNeZz

    Which faction has the best engineer?
  15. Fatal_Finn

    When in doubt, TR.
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  16. MikeyGeeMan

    Tr engine weapons have a lot of variety.

    Good thing about the carbines is they open across engie and light assault.

  17. TheRunDown

    Ohh, that's a hard choice..
    What's the f'ing point.. just play NC, basically the only unique empire left..
  18. bLind db

    TR no longer has any faction-specific trait other than awful horizontal recoil, so go VS. Everything you get with TR, you get with VS, just without the downsides.
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  19. LightNeZz

    Are the Vanu overpowered?
  20. LightNeZz

    I am in doubt about Vanu weapons because I play only as engineer