TR on Cobalt - Lack of organization

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. GroundTrooper

    Praise from FOOL (that is if you are the Shure i think you are) is surprising but appreciated, and we to know the value of a small but highly coordinated team of skilled soldiers who can accomplish something that no one else can even with the odds against them.

    FIrst of all Huunter get your goddamn english straight, secondly we have no intention of deleting nor leaving we will simply be reforming, and cleaning the garbage out of the corners to bring XPCT back to our original goal of being a small but elite group of players who will always win when faced with equal numbers.

    PS. losing a sector might be worth it to accomplish other goals that the zergfits cant even imagine.

  2. Huunterinvitus

    Wanna joke ?
    Today morning we worked at Indar and was near..only 2 places we needed to take to delete VANU bonus.

    World population TR 32% and Vanu 30%.
    On Indar Vanu 40% TR 36%

    We had near 3,4 squads VANU same we taked peris and all south territories. (i had near 5 people)
    VANU focus on ceres farms.

    1st joke : full squad AOTR was ghost capping amerish
    2nd joke some of members RE4 cutted us from warp.

    Most of all i tired not from VANU because i love play with strong enemy.I tired of stupid people in this game.How in NC how in TR.
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  3. biterwylie

    TR might have a lack of organisation, but NC have some dirty infiltrating pig dogs. I watched STONE123456 TK players trying to take the generators before him at an AMP station the other night. Checked his stats, what a noob.!
  4. FinnSimmons

    One thing that gets more and more obvious is that there seams to be a great deal of animosity and competition between the TR on Cobalt. When i see TRID and OWND run together all the time it saddens me that we don't see that on the TR side more often. I bet there is players on the different TR outfits who would fit each others play style perfectly. But due to the nature of the TR outfits who are rather smallish those players have a hard time finding each other.
    It seems to me the really invested players are on other servers.
  5. Paulus

    Good Evening :) I regret I have no idea who was leading the squad on Amerish as most of our membership doesn't get online until around 16:00GMT, but I'd be somewhat grateful if you'd extend the chaps on the ground the courtesy of getting in touch and letting them know there was some kind of organised push and would have appreciated their assistance. If they're on another continent, you can hardly blame them for not knowing your intentions.

    I agree it would be nice to finally knock off the Indar lock, but to their credit the VS have done a splendid job of holding on to it. The last time I recall there being a concerted effort on our part to remove it, we were involved at Hvar sometime around Monday night, the advance was bold, but true to form, the VS fought tooth and nail for every inch of ground, and eventually the late hour bled our numbers and the NC infringed our territories, until the VS were no longer being held back, and they regained some vital territory.

    Now, I can appreciate that you are a passionate and committed member of the TR faction, and I fully endorse your drive to see the TR do well, but I would ask you to be a tiny bit more respectful when addressing my membership. You can be as belligerent as you wish when talking to me, that's kind of my role in a funny sort of way, but please refrain from referring to my soldiers as "a joke" as this is somewhat unfair to those who are merely following the orders of their SL. You are of course always entitled to your opinion, as I generally believe you to be of sound conviction and honourable intentions, but I would thank you for expressing it in a more considerate and clement way.

    To summarise, Thank you for your continued efforts to better the empire, and I hope that next time instead of seeing fit to append labels you might instead use that energy to extend a fraternal hand to your allies when you need us, and we in turn will do our best to aid your cause.
  6. TerranTitan

    All are welcome on our website and TS to discuss such things. Link in the signature. My Generals and Officers will take care of all concerns. We welcome the opportunity to build lasting relationships and alliances with fellow TR outfits.
  7. Huunterinvitus

    You guys better come to our not official TR of Cobalt teamspeak.
    Most normal outfits in playtime there : 01WG,JETR,CHI,CTAF,GSFF.

    That is not principal where we all will sit, but it is neccessary to be in one communicate system for all main outfits.
    I suggested all and to your outfit same WG TS because they really have good admins there.

    How we all will communicate it is second question :
    or creating outfits platoon or temporary suballiance on continent, or making epic event.
    That much easier for people sit in teamspeak come to outfit talk and create something than preparing through site.

    @Paulus. You wrote it it so respectful that i wanted say sorry,despite that i know that i am right.

    Tonight stupid story continue: when TR taked Indar Bay NC allince split on 2 half one half lose their capturing on Peris second half came to fight with TR in Allatium biolab.
    After hour else RE4 outfit members was close for capture Hvar tech.

    And else one story yesterday at Esamir (deleting vanu bonus): We saw that OWND and TRID farm on NC platoons at NC warp.We havent our Elli amp at south because JEST hold it with 2 platoons.

    Okaaay..despite this we started move to north we taked vanu biolab snows hear freyer amp hold 2 vanu platoons at Palos solar.We waited when NC faster will take Mani biolab and places lefter.
    And what you think? JEST moved from our Elli to jaegger crossing and cutted us. After they zerged our platoon at biolab.After of course they losed from VANU,because they tried fight with them 2-4 platoons without same forces from TR.(Thats not enough against 6-8 VANU platoons)
    So their **** action again let VANU save bonus now at Esamir.

    Maybe I choosed wrong faction why those people who think how i am thinking most of them in VANU.
    Why i am still using how idiot alone commander channel to give info about moving my platoon to cooperate when others ignore it .

    Why VANU fight for last place on amerish that give them bonus how fighters and TR after hour wars become in water.Why most of time nobody despite JETR didnt come fast to defend other places around VANU warp.

    Maybe i dont know something,maybe before comming in VANU need to resolve rebus that is test on IQ.

    I tired how platoon leader in TR..what you guys reccomend me change server on Miller or come to VANU or dont lead and just fly most of time in my lovely lib?)
  8. jbkappirossi

    Easy there huunter.....your not making muts sense.
    Or are you trying to tell that we whooped your buts on Amerish?
    Now, it's something to talk Smack about NC being lame, giving up, Blaiming Dev's on the bad design on Highlands,
    but thing is. When you guys got the chance to proove yourselves on Amerish last night, you failed even harder then NC....what's up with that man?

    I mean, it started of with TR 50% VS 24% and with only 2 territories left and thus no resources. We held you back for 4/5 hours?
    So don't worry NC they sucked even harder then you guys on Indar...what a blast!

    It was a good fight tho, i died like 300 times in that battle on Amerish last night, but still maintained a K/D of 2:1. The truth is; we out classed you on pure skill alone! There's no change of deneying that with double the Pop and al the resources. lol
    And where were you Huunter, nice and save in the sky i asume?

    Anyway's, it's not to late to change faith. Come over to VS and we'll see if we can clear up a space for a rookie.
  9. Draf

    Something VS may ignore is the difference between population and organized population into one objective. Your outfit are so big that pop pretty much equals organized pop for VS, this is not the case for TR and NC wich maybe half pop can be fighting in another part of the continent. That's why small TR organized outfits feels alone most the time, and it's actually very frustrating to play like this every day, cause we pretty much never farm, nor look at k/d, we just try our best against a massive organized forces. Changing faith ? I think this is happenning on this server for a long time now, this is killing the server slowly, and everyone will loose on this.
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  10. Cougarbrit

    Man you talk a lot of **** don't you.

    The pop at the fight n Amerish was equal for the majority of it, the cont pop advantage we had were random people at random parts of the map or fighting the NC and stuff, the pop fighting you guys was equal to your pop.

    This whole 'no resources' argument doesn't hold well considering how quickly resources can fill up with a slight boost from say, the free premium upgrades, I've personally never run out of resources this last month, and I burn through infantry consumables like a man on fire. It was pretty obvious that you had resources as there was a nigh constant stream of scythes, magriders, lightnings, liberators, harassers and flashes from the VS, just never a vehicle push strong enough to match our own vehicles. Not to mention the C4 and grenade spam that was rife in the territory.

    Now I wasn't around for most of the fighting after we took that north substation that I don't remember the name of, but during that time, I was checking the pop figures with every death, and it was constantly hovering around 50/50 for the territory, with at most only 'allies detected' in any of the surrounding territories, which were usually empty bar VS cap attempts.
  11. Cougarbrit

    Yep, I've heard talk about switching servers from numerous TR and NC now, a lot of them are tired of dealing with unresponsive allies against an organised foe capable of filling entire conts with its members. The fact that the TR can perform as well as we do in these circumstances is a testament to our abilities, but without the extra manpower we sorely need, we can't acheive our highest goals.

    I hope Huunter stays as TR needs capable leaders as well, but I can't blame him for wanting a change of scenery.
  12. jbkappirossi

    If it was how you say, we would have already lost, but it ended the other way around now, did it?

    Wel, how many TR Prowlers and Sunderers where there? Alot more then the VS could get their hands on. Not so strange when you only got 1 territory left. Facts buddy!

    And he sais obvious. lol You ever had any mathematics? Nothing + Nothing = Nothing. Resource bonus ads! So when you don't have any territories to begin with, how's a bonus going to give you anything?

    And then you try to tell me how it went, when you werent even there? Your getting more and more believable every second. For you info. It started with 60% 14% continent pop and over a 4 hour time perriod eventually at 4:00am it was equal, but al the time TR had above 50% continent Pop and VS arounf 30%. Only the last Hour it equalled out. What and how long would it take Vanu to take a continent with that Pop. not as long as it took you guys. lol

    Then the base Pop was also i favour of TR. You had a pop andvantage the whole time. Most between 55% and 60%.

    Now why would they do that, now that you have OP tanks, rocket launchers? Eveyone was talking crap about Vanu having parties in their Warpgate and spamming Magriders, but you guys see what actually happened? You forced vanu to fight on foot and now we dominate everyone. It's your own fault, now stop crying *****'s.
  13. Pharax

    we cutted u so gd haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

    Cbf to counter argument so you get this ^
  14. Draf

    Yes yes yes here are your skillfull battles guys :


    Everytime you send twice forces as we have you don't need ressources to do this. It's actually a very good strategy and you react in a minute but please don't talk me about skill, cause I pretty much never saw an even battle with you guys. (oh and yes you're pink)

    btw my ratio was 2 since it like to matter
  15. Cougarbrit

    There were more TR vehicles yes, but that doesn't deny the fact the VS could still bring vehicles, at the start of the fight for Soltech Reserve or whatever it's called in the West, there were probably as many Magriders as there were Prowlers.

    The WG gives resources you know, with the bonus it effectively adds a few more territories worth of resources to you incomes.

    Yes, it started with a massive TR pop, that's why the NC were effectively WG'd and the VS were down to one territory, but at that point the VS brought in more reinforcements as the cont pop shot up to 34% VS or so, and only part of the TR were even fighting the VS. I know that at the time the Amerish alert ended, there were multiple TR squads fighting the NC. During the fighting at Stonebridge Reserve or whatever, the pop numbers were more or less equal, for the area around the VS WG. That extra 20% TR pop weren't participating in the fight as they were either randoms going about TR territory or they were keeping the 17% NC pop busy.

    You were not outnumbered by as much as you say, at best, it was a 5% pop difference. On Amerish. During the night. That's not a lot of people.

    And we seriously don't have OP tanks, that's just plain whiner talk, and rocket launchers? Please, they're buggy and easily countered and not as versatile as the Lancer. I would kill for a Lancer, I would kill to be able to field squads of HA Lancers, because at least then we'd be able to effectively counter the Mag's maneuverability.

    The fighting at Stonebridge was won and lost by the infantry, all the vehicles served as were protection for the sunderers, most vehicles couldn't get close to the capture point due to the WG proximity and the C4/AT mine spam. You lost that battle to infantry, not Prowlers.

    It was a damn good fight, and the first time in ages that I found a reason to bring out my revive grenades, don't soil it with your arrogance.
  16. Huunterinvitus

    During 3 hours battle on Amerish at stoneridje platoon vs platoon 50 on 50.
    I was checking map and place population every 3 mins.

    We (my public platoon with JETR squad) always fight with those who have bonus,And you know ussually only we do what need to do on map 60-80% TR on Esamir fight with NC,when Vanu have bonus.

    Why others TR do anything but not that they need to do.
    I tired send squads in half empty places or defend from zergs vanu platoons.We fight alone,when others just have fun anywhere.

    I dont want play in faction where usually nobody help.If in next month nothing will change with TR i will think about changing or faction or server.

    Anyway i am not goona come to OWND or TRID i dont love your stupid zergs,too easy.
  17. jbkappirossi

    Yea, me two. that's why my K/D dropped from 9:1 to 3:1. only from getting murdered by looking on the map.

    Guess how we feel when both NC and TR Always fight US in the time of an Alert or when you guys Try to neutralize us?
    It's Always the majority Of NC and TR fighting us.

    You really want to know the truth? We usally run only 1 platoon a day, because of al the randoms. No one wan'ts to lead a bunch of uncontrolled Spandex. Usally a few, like myself open a public platoon, but it really doesn't matter, because even the old outfit guys are also all over the place. For me it usally depends how hard i screem. You think it's going to help if i start crying about TR, NC outnumbering us? I usally get really pumped and that's when i start screaming general things to pump up my own guys aswell. If i must i get everyone in line. Heck, a few idiots made a topic about me swering and cursing, because they couldn't handle me as leader, but if you ask those guys for the lead they don't want it. Basicly talking smack, but not contributing themselves. It really doesn't matter, it weeds out the serrious people from the randoms. ;)

    So, ask youre self this. Does anyone really care if your gonna' leave? The thing your own people wil think is; that ***** Huunter just abandonate us because, he couldn't handle his own feelings. And new people on a different server are going to care even less, because to them your just another guy!

    Make a VS alt and come and join us for once, i bet most of the guys would love that. I know that most of you already do that, but please use the same name as your TR, NC alt, so we know who's joining. And not names like OWNDSUCKS. yup, we had a guy who called himself that and he even had the balls to join our platoon and talk with us over voip, like he was one of ours. Later the guy, explained that he wanted to join OWND and wanted his name to be SUCKS....right! Was quite funny actually.

    We even have a German girl who plays with us ;)
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  18. Draf

    I think if huunter leaves it makes no sense for me to stay on this server/faction. I can stay and then ? For wich purpose ? Farming all day long waiting the continent lock to see how VS are going to rule this server ? I actually only do interesting things only when he's online... My motherboard have a problem and I can't use my mic it's already hard to lead a squad like this but since nobody wants to do it I certed beacon and I lead, but leading a platoon without mic is just impossible imo.
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  19. X3Killjaeden

    I can assure you, i have the same damn feeling on NC side =P i dont think that feeling is faction specific
    NC has Bratwurst and Beer - and in contrary to VS offer its one for everyone :D come join us
    the reason why we cant play for fourletterword
  20. Cougarbrit

    We have a German girl too, I'm pretty sure we have multiple girls, and that's just in JETR, dunno why you'd mention that as a thing.