So I've been sailing along PS2, just being bored of infiltrator and LA, then I try medic with the T1 (which I've never used, went straight to the NS-11A. Don't ask, idk either) and HOLY BEJEEBUS is it good! Dont get me wrong, I like the NS 11 too, but... less. Soon after, I got the SABR, and when I'm not spamming the trigger like a shivering meth addict having a seizure, I really do love it. (I do have good aim now, it's just that I tend to freeze up my mouse arm in panic mode ) Now, I'm 4 months in the medic (give or take, I could be way off) and I'm wondering what my next AR should be. I've heard good things about the TORQ, TAR, & TRV, but I wanna cover my situations first before I buy a gun that does a job another can do. I was wondering what more veteran medics would say to this. Heck, maybe you have a different AR in mind for me, idc. I just wanna have a good baseline of ARs before I go exploring ones that do the same job. Oh, and before anyone asks, I have the medic gun and default skill fully certed already.
Depends on what you want out of your gun. The TORQ is more of a mid-ranger, while the other two are close-quarters weapons. Between the two, most people seem to prefer the TAR, since it has much better hipfire than the TRV, as well as the 0.75x ADS multiplier. The TRV has a slightly higher RoF and slightly lower recoil. If you want to try another long-range gun, the T1B would be a solid choice. In exchange for being stuck in 3x burst mode and slightly worse hipfire, you get a T1 Cycler with substantially better accuracy stats.
TORQ and T1 fill the same role, just in different ways. Both are mid ranged rifles that are very adaptable to any fighting situation. The TORQ is a more comfortable in CQC due to it's high fire rate, while the T1 Can handle longer engagements because each bullet hits harder. Both are exceptionally good ARs and I would suggest using both, because they are the guns that really sell the idea that TR have the best ARs in the game.
In short. 1. TAR - hipfire/0.75 ADS CQC murder machine with some reach to it due to being an AR. 2. TRV - ADS CQC/medium range face-melting uber murder machine. 3. TORQ-9 - versatile and accurate murder machine. 4. T1 Cycler - deafault adaptable murder machine. 5. SABR-13 - medium-long range murder machine with shweet headshot potential. What I'm trying to say is - give all of the above a whirl and then proceed to choose your addiction; TR have no mediocre ARs. None.
I really don't like the TRV because it is basically a close range ADS weapon. Not really worth the increase in RoF to expose yourself to headshots in close range. I never got around to the SABR but the rest of them are rather solid choices.
im working on the T1 Unity myself and its a huge pain cuz im almost exclusivly engi. already got the TRV auraxed, working in tandem with the TORQ and TAR, after that ill go with the standard cycler and than the NS11A
Lord_Avatar's post is really spot on. The TORQ will basically fill the same role as your T1 Cycler, but will suffer at range a little more due to the lower damage profile. That being said it is very fun, and surprisingly controllable for an 852RPM bullet hose. The Cycler TRV is just monstrous in CQ, but the stability (relative to the TAR) and RoF comes at the price of an especially slow reload. I've found it can be problematic in small squad situations, where there's less allies to cover your back. The TAR has nice hipfire, even without a laser, and has that magical .75 ADS move speed, as well as a faster reload than the TRV. Its recoil profile whilst ADS is decidedly more wobbly though, so even whilst firing 45RPM slower than the TRV it is overall less stable. Good job for getting on the SABR-13. Godly weapon, in my book!
I would definitely recommend the TORQ-9 to cover as many situations as possible. This will always be my favourite gun in Planetside for its wide functionality. The TRV, TAR, T1B and T1S all suit particular areas well but are generally limited to those areas, they don't give you a range of options. The TORQ-9 is good at all ranges your likely to find yourself in. Its easy to control with recoil, highly accurate and has the fastest rate of fire after the Armistice SMG and T4-AMP pistol. While it has lower damage per shot, it more than makes up for it with the incredible rate of fire and the extremely fast reload speed. I've got a lot of experience with TR assault rifles, just 152 kills away on my current one until I unlock the T1A-Unity. From this I have been able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the assault rifles in the TR arsenal. I personally find the TORQ-9 suits me best with a 1 or 2x reflex scope, advanced laser sight and soft point ammo. You can easily switch these to match your needs.