TR needs some love - even the pro players agree...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illuminati, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Shrubterfuge

    VS pistols aren't much worse anymore, Spiker is a decent Desperado/Repeater competitor, and NC and TR have nothing else to write home about really.
  2. Fatal_Finn

    Kinda agree with this. The current GD7F RoF is not really NC thing. The RoF should be somewhere between 750 and 800. For vanu, RoF of VX6-7 should be 750-800 and Serpent 830 max imo. One TR carbine's RoF should be lift up to over 800.

    I would like to see 2 new carbines in game: TR gets one with 800+ RoF and 143 damage (meaning there would be 2 carbines over 800 RoF and Lynx). VS gets lasher-like carbine to finally shoot that plasma a bit more. No ideas for NC but they should get something they actually need as well.

    That was about carbines, nothing to tweak with assault rifles or submachine guns imo and don't really have experience with light machine guns.
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  3. GoyoElGringo

    Are you saying dogfighting as in, classic dogfighting, or hoverdueling? Classic dogfights are a barely even a thing in PS2, since they last as long as it takes the person in front to airbreak and turn around. And even then I don't see why the mossie would be the best at it.
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  4. xArchAngelx

    I'll just leave this here:
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  5. xArchAngelx

    I think the biggest problem is that SOE has some of the actual traits backwards. Example: with the TR gun fire, the recoil should be at its highest ONLY at the beginning and then reduced. Right now, it starts off low and then exponentially increases. Not to forget about the atrocious horizontal recoil we have to deal with, as well as a first shot modifier. No gun should have a first shot modifier.
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  6. Imperial Sect

    What are you smoking?
  7. xArchAngelx


    ZOE, Lasher, Lancer, Spiker, Magrider (Oh god all the Magrider Posts).

    Shotguns, Phoenix, Maxes, Aegis, Vangaurd, Reaver hit boxes.

    You can't say that one side isn't justified and your side is.
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  8. WarmasterRaptor

    MOAR faction identity! MOAR faction differences!! MOAR asymmetrical balance!!! MOAR FUN!!!!

    And that's for everybody btw.
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  9. Mustarde

    TR is fine for the most part. The reason you see competitive players shying away from the TR lineup has more to do with how those weapons handle on live vs competition.

    In farmers league having 40 mag carbines don't matter as much as accuracy to win 1v1's, or high damage per round. This NC and VS weapons often are favored. Rarely are you in a situation where you can sneak up behind 3 players and burn them down without reloading against groups like Future Crew, AC or DA.

    On live however, TR weapons can be absolute farm mode. Pounders, Carv, TORQ-9, jaguar, armistice, T5AMC.... Honestly I read these threads and wonder if we are playing the same game. TR weapons on live have large magazines and good close/mid performance letting a player kill 3-4 per magazine with good accuracy. Or it lets an average player mag dump and still get a kill.

    It's not that the "pro" players are wrong... But the context they see the game is very different from the type of balance you guys are asking for.

    Source: #21 rank TR in the world, I have the bighorn, shuriken, trac-shot, unity and president.
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  10. rogviir

    I main NC and i feel the TR. Nothing is more frustrating to know that RoF is your faction trait only to have the other faction weapons outclass yours (looking at you orion and GD-7s). My solution is to give the TR a slight recoil reduction get it alittle closer to VS and NC and I bet TR would be in a better place.
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  11. SpartanPsycho

    1. The person saying instagib doesn't know how the banshee works. If latency wasn't so bad, this would not have been said.
    2. The air hammer requires the user to go face-to-face with the enemy.
    Conclusion: I would nerf damage in return for higher RoF (1000 hint hint) and mag size. I would nerf the spread of the air hammer, and the PPA is a glass cannon :p
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  12. vanu123

    Spiker is a gimmick, there is a reason the VS faction pistol is the Comissioner.
  13. vanu123

    Scythe and mossie have about the same horizontal hitbox although given its disk shape the scythe is more susceptible to AA.
  14. GoyoElGringo

    I guess you haven't seen this....

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  15. VaIhall

    ZOE is probably the worst ability of all abilities in the game now and what about lasher and lancer? they're fine at what they do. not OP or UP and the Spiker? whut? and Magrider whaat? what about magrider?

    I see alot of TR threads about how UP they are and that they need love etc but I think their weapons feels very nice actually.
  16. Paperlamp

    You are mistaken, not all TR want the dakka especially not with the current drawbacks.

    I would trade TR's entire arsenal for NC's in a heartbeat currently.
  17. Dualice

    Things don't seem too bad from where I am. I still enjoy playing TR more than I do Vanu. However it does seem contradictory that the other factions still get 845-850 RPM weapons whilst retaining their individual traits across the board. NC probably wouldn't be happy if TR or VS had primaries with the 200 damage model, and Vanu probably wouldn't be happy if, for example, they gave TR or NC something that didn't suffer from projectile drop.

    Granted we have one or two pointless weapons in our arsenal (Inquisitor, I'm looking in your direction), but isn't that the same for everyone?
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  18. Paperlamp


    NC MAX

    I can't believe you picked the Lasher, Mossie, and Repeater, those are terrible picks.
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  19. Facon

    I really think that have the right weapon or faction makes in infanty gameplay maybe 10%... 90% are awarness, movment, advantages like class or get the jump on somebody. No weapon will help if you get ambushed (90% of the time :D)
  20. QuakerOatsMan

    I don't care much for TR having the highest RoF guns. They perform fine and it would be a headache to rebalance VS and NC weapons that already have relatively high RoF.

    I find TR's main problem is its AV arsenal. There are few AV weapons that can nail medium-long range targets consistently (especially mobile targets, which may urge TR players to pull anchored AP prowlers and AV MANA turrets to do the job). Out of the three factions, TR's AV arsenal overall feels the most lacking in adaptability.
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