TR Maxes Stronger than NC Up Close

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Blackweb

    Looks like NC heavy assault is stronger than the NC maxs at close range now.

    Get yourselves a Jackhammer NC, it is all we have left.

    What is the point of playing an NC max now?
  2. Exitus Acta Probat

    Yeah, you tell them!

    You can't be the best at what you do bar none and dominate everyone else, then what's the point

    Make NC Max Best Max Again!
  3. Demigan

    I think you misunderstand.

    NC MAX's have shotguns. These have a lot of drawbacks auch as less magazine, more RNG, longer reloads, less range, more damage dropoff. The trade-off for this shorter range and all the other downsides is to be better in CQC. That trade-off is gone, and a TR and VS MAX is now better at both range and CQC.

    In simpler terms just for you:
    NC MAX should dominate in CQC.
    VS/TR MAX should dominate the NC MAX in Mid/long range.
  4. Pacster3

    Just that there is no real mid/long range in this game for MAXes(they are all crap there. Too big of a target and bad accuracy). That's why NC dominated.
  5. Demigan

    Range is a subjective thing based on what you measure it on. Between MAX's the NC MAX has 1/3rd the effective range if not much less than the VS and TR.

    You could retort that the Mattock now has the range as it can somewhat reliably kill at 30m, but the time it does this in is far worse than that of the TR and VS, meaning they still have superior ranged capabilities.