TR-Max-Cheap Audio weapons/Graphics downgrade

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Timothy Pearson, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Timothy Pearson

    Is it really coming to this? Planetside 2 is becoming a ps4 quality game. I'm over it, some of us have high end computers and you're downgrading the graphics to suit the ps4. There's a number of textures that just look ****-balls now and don't get me started on that new horrible tr max weapon audio, you literally slapped a generic machine gun audio onto the new models that do not even fit the bullet timing. When is this going to stop? When it looks like The first Planetside graphics? Why not just have ultra graphics for people with high end computers and people with low end can simply lower their settings? It's not that hard
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  2. RRRIV

    well, im honestly happy that maxs are getting attention again. Idc that they have generic audio, i am very please that the Tr max weapons dont look copy pasted, and the other faction weapons( except the one vanu one that looks like oversized pistols) look great imo. as for the graphics, not all of us can afford a high end computer/laptop, so is a good idea for DBG to optimise for lower end computers/laptops as is expands who can play the game. I feel your anger is because you have played on ultra for so long that you underestimate how much better it is than low(which i have to play at) and medium. play on low/medium for a while then go back to ultra, you will appreciate it more.(note:i am not intending to sound rude if i am comming off that way)

    edit: to elbaborate on graphics as i came off a little weird. its unnessesary to filter out who can/cannot and in turn should/should not have access to certain graphic settings. so DBG optimizing for lower end cpus/laptops on all fronts helps the poorer player base.
  3. Timothy Pearson

    Reasonable response. I agree to an extent
  4. Onhil

    I belive that for an extent you could go intio the useroption.ini file and inrease the render quality to 1.2 or more.

    Might mkae the weapons look a little better