[Guide] TR LMG's and why they are so good at CQB

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Lucidius134, Oct 18, 2013.

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  1. Lucidius134

    Hey, i'm sure most of you career HA's already know this but it's something i'de like to get down and cover. I'm going partly by usage and partly by data but mostly by feel now that I own most of these weapons.

    Why are the TR HA's are so good in close quarters?

    The answer here is because because of their faction traits and their arsenal of weapons that are tailored around these traits. Let's take a look at the faction traits to further understand what I mean..

    High rate of fire

    The TR have access to two LMG's that fire at 750rpm. The only other LMG in the game that fires at that speed is the Orion.

    High magazine capacity

    The TR have access to LMGs with higher magazine capacity relative to LMG's in the same ROF bracket

    If you look at these two traits together you can see why they shine as brightly as they do.

    The T9 Carv
    • 750rpm
    • 100 round magazine
    This is the highest capacity LMG with the fastest ROF at DOUBLE the capacity of the 2nd best LMG. Because of this it's harder to control, has lower hipfire accuracy and is worse in cqcin terms of DPS and distance.

    The MSW-R
    • 750rpm
    • 50 round magazine
    • advanced laser and SPA
    This is the standard for magazine capacity. When you transition from the T9 Carv to the MSW-R you are essentially giving up 50% of your magazine capacity for much more accurate hip fire and SPA.

    Thanks to SPA, the MSW-R has etter DPS than the Carv past 10m. SPA also helps to mitigate the range penalty from a suppressor making the MSW-R better for suppressing while maintaining max range DPS over the CARV.

    The T9 Carv-S
    • 698rpm
    • 100 round magazine
    • SPA
    The T9 Carv-S has the highest magazine capacity of LMGs in its ROF bracket. This is another side grade for the CARV. Think of this as an MSW-R except in the opposite spectrum. Instead of keeping the high DPS in exchange for mag size, you instead keep the magazine size and trade ROF and accuracy instead.

    A less popular choice but a viable alternative if you want to have high magazine capacity and better damage drop off without having to reload during a fight. Because of SPA you have better max damage ranges than the CARV. As mentioend above it is better suppressed than the Carv is in the max damage/range department. The lower ROF makes this less reliable for hip fire than the Carv but when you do hit you hit harder than the Carv. Also can be equipped for ADS'ing. Lastly, you can trade hip fire accuracy for double magazine capacity. Much more suited for ADS'ing but helpful if you can control hip fire COF by bursting in CQC. Could be good suppressed and behind a huge enemy mass.

    I don't know much about the T32 but has less RPM at 650 and no adv laser so I wouldn't consider it a CQC weapon to compare against these. The T16 Rhino and TMG-50 do not fit in this category. This gives the TR a GREAT amount of versatility in close ranges and some of the best side-grading relative to the default i've seen in the game. This amount of variety really adds to the faction's preference for close quarters.

    .p.s: i'm glossing over stuff like reload speeds and such because while relavent in CQC differ between person to person in preference.
  2. DrPapaPenguin

    Carv 9 is actually very easy to control with foregrip. If you got good fps and can pull up the scope fast enough it's awesome.

    And I'm pretty sure we can include T7 chaingun in the LMG. Same weapon slot, same class, same principle. Amazing at cqc.
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  3. Lucidius134

    Carv's handling was directed at horizontal recoil + having a laser sight. Foregrip's for ADS building which I'm not gonna cover.

    I was gonna include the T7 but I figured i'de leave it out since it doesn't function similar for the NC or VS which would kind of pollute the comparison. I also havn't used it much. My partner likes it a lot.
  4. TheBloodEagle

    Carv-S sounds good on paper, so to speak, but it's such a minority in usage & unsatisfactory; I sure as heck don't bother with it in CQC.

    If you could equip Extended Mag with Laser, then it would be a different story.
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  5. Pie Chasm

    CARV-9 < Orion at CQC due to a larger hip CoF and lower ADS movement speed.

    The tradeoff for the MSW-R having very slightly better hipfire accuracy (with adv sight) over the Orion is that it has more recoil and worse bullet velocity.

    The SVA-88 is better than the CARV-S by leaps and bounds ANYWHERE; 25 rounds doesn't make up for having a slower ADS movement speed, 30 less projectile velocity and even better hipfire accuracy.

    The EM6 has higher bullet damage, slightly more recoil (less per damage and as a function of time), higher DPS and greater damage per magazine with 20 m/s less bullet velocity...but the CARV-S, SVA-88 and EM6 are mid-range weapons with CQC capability being only secondary.

    So, no, only one TR LMG is slightly better at CQB than the other faction alternatives and that's the MSW-R. The CARV-9 doesn't have the necessary attachments and accuracy to be anywhere as good and is strictly inferior to the Orion in CQC.
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  6. Mxiter

    Carv trade every kind of accuracy (bad COFs, bad vertical and horizontal recoil) for better mag size and a terrible reload.

    MSW-R is very close than the orion.
    It's better at hipfiring thanks to ALS while the orion is better for ADS thanks to 0.75 ads move mult and at range: less horizontal recoil, lower first shot multiplier, better muzzle velocity and drop (very sentive with the MSW-R low velocity + SPA).
    The MSW-R is slightly more specialized (hipfiring) while the Orion is slightly more versatile but both are as effective.

    Carv-s is everything but great and is the worst all rounder LMG with T32/EM-1 (EM6/GD22-S/SVA-88/Pulsar LSW works much better).
    Compared to Carv, it trades more attachments (wich have drawbacks but ALS and ext mags) for lower ROF and higher Vrecoil.

    All is gameplay matters:
    You likes ADS and be accurate = Orion.
    You likes hipfiring or (you'r TR like ADS and be accurate) = MSW-R (with foregirp).
    You like spam tons of ammos everywhere without reloading = Carv.
    You're NC = Anchor or SMGs/jackhammer for better stopping power.
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  7. MaxDamage

    Yeah I saw a VS display picture next to this thread title and eye-rolled HARD.

    Do you even Orion brah?
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  8. Lucidius134

    VS Got the Orion SVA-88 and the Pulsar LSW but the Pulsar LSW's a write off. That leaves us with 2 CQC oriented versus the 3 above. Talking about the SVA would derail so I won't go there. Also read below

  9. KnightCole

    CARV-S, I agree with other people's assessments of the S meaning ****...cuz yikes...the 698, I didnt think it would mean that much but time and again I unload on people before htey even know whats happening and either someone else shoots me dead before I kill my target or my target gets away cuz of the abysmal TTK on this gun mixed in with game lag. Most the kills i get with the CARV-S are people who are blissfully clueless or just get a lucky finishing blow. Or if I win, its with nothing left.
  10. TheTreeness

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  11. Posse

    At the ranges both of them are effective the bullet velocity isn't really relevant, but yes, the MSW-R gets better CQC performance at the expense of being worse at mid range.

    Anyway, I prefer the VS LMGs, but overall performance stats show that there's not really any significant difference between TR and VS, except for the SVA-88, which according to that should be the best LMG by far (though I don't really feel that when using it).
  12. Pie Chasm

    Not true. Orion is more effective at range than the CARV-9 for bursts considering the recoil. The bullet velocity is the icing on the cake and makes a considerable difference when you're at ranges > 80 meters (yes I shoot and hit people there with an Orion.. a lot of people do.. just preparing for the hackusationbunneh).

    My VS alt has the highest accuracy of all of my characters (over 30% with Orion vs. 25-28ish with MSW-R/CARV/TMG) and he doesn't even have a foregrip, since I only use it for CQC-medium range and can control the bursts easier than I can with an MSW-R/CARV. The thing is that the horizontal recoil is substantially less and that is the hardest recoil to control (it also has no recoil angle like the MSW-R).
  13. Posse

    Yes, I do that with the Orion too, but it's probably 2% of the total kills heh. Also, the CARV SHOULD be worse than the Orion as a Weapon since it has twice the ammo and the DPS, as for the MSW-R, as I said, it's a CQC LMG, bullet velocity at CQC is not relevant , the travel time is almost instant anyway. Of course that higher bullet velocity is what makes the Orion a more versatile weapon, though a bit less accurate at CQC.
  14. Lucidius134

  15. anaxim

    Carv doesn't have more Dps than the orion.They have the same.
  16. Posse

    typo, I wanted to say "twice the ammo and the same DPS", I missed the word "same" :p
  17. Lucidius134

    Agreed with your point though. If it wasn't as it is then it would be so strong.
  18. Iridar51

    How is this a guide =\

    Talking about ROF without taking damage per bullet into account seems shortsided.
  19. Lucidius134

    They're all 143 @ 10m so damage doesn't need to be covered.
  20. Iridar51

    But you do compare them to other factions' LMGs, and they're not all 143 @ 10m.
  21. Lucidius134

    Other people compared them. All CQC LMG's are 143@10m barring the anchor (which i never mentioned). initially it was only TR LMG's but people compared the VS ones.
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