[TR] Last Man Contingent: Freedom Without Boundaries

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by DefiantDucky, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. DefiantDucky


    The **Last Man Contingent [LMCT]** is a medium sized international multi-gaming group with a focus on Team and Social based gaming. We are tolerant, no matter the religion/ethnicity - we hate everybody.
    There are no restrictive rules or bull regulations. Freedom Without Boundaries is our motto: *libertas sine finibus*.

    We have a strong bond within the group and we help each other out on every game and make sure we get the most out of each game as possible, with a large variety of games to choose from and more!

    We are currently playing as the TR on the US Emerald server on planetside 2

    We enjoy all aspects of Online gaming and as such we are able to **offer you the following:**

    + No restrictions or serious BS
    + International members, no fixed timezone
    + Teamspeak, Gaming Servers
    + Variety of members, games and activities
    + Constant Battles, missions and fights.
    + Social Media Activities

    If you just started playing Online and have no idea what you are doing or new to any game, we are more than happy to help you develop. No stats required or any BS. if you're a good teamplayer, enjoy group activities and socialising, more than welcome to join us!


    + 18+ years
    + Working microphone and Teamspeak 3
    + Not easily offended
    + Absolutely no hacking/exploiting - We play fairly, only using what the game allows us.

    Want to join? Please apply using our homepage:
    [Click me!](http://lastmancontingent.enjin.com/join)
  2. DefiantDucky

    Clan Update 24/01/2017
    Alright Ladies and Gentleman here's the following updates and changes planned and underway for the target of next month
    - Implemented a new 'reedited and redefined logo': the previous image was sent between people to edit different elements which caused loss of quality and some image glitches. (Thank you to Chicken_****er and Anon for all the help)
    - New Website and Teamspeak coming soon! The Free teamspeak is temporary until our new website and TS is built and this is our own Server and Site, no third party! (built by BambooBamboo) will be up soon, I don't want to give an exact date, as we don't want to rush this.
    - Member Reorganisation: We've purged the group numbers in a collaborative effort by the senior members to reinstate the quality not quantity, no point having 70 people with only 20 guys and girls willing to come on and be part of the team.
    - New Makeover: concerning art, banners and media, we will be working to produce overlays, banners and hopefully animated and video media for youtube. (Thanks to Anon!)
    - Special thanks: Special Thanks to the guys putting in time and effort to bring more into the team. and dealing with the influx of applications or finding guys in games. (BillHN, Baketality, Freshgunner, Coldmtdew)
    And thank to all the guys and girls at the LMCT, for your patience and continued work and spirit in our games and teamspeak.
    - DefiantDucky
  3. DefiantDucky

    Ladies and Gentlemen, if you can check out our twitch channel We have designed the channel and updated a schedule list for you guys to exploit, we will prioritise hosting of member's channels with few actual streams from the group's main account.