TR in SolTech, what's up?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McKnighter, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. McKnighter

    So, at least during the times that I play, we're always getting close to warp-gated on Esamir and struggling on either Indar or Amerish. Most of the time it is the Vanu being smart in their tactics, pushing the NC to fight us instead of trying to combat the bigger threat.

    Two major factors that are causing us to lose. (Please note that is this coming from a TR who plays on Esamir 95% of the time. I like the snow. :3)!

    Lower population.

    - We can't really change this, but NC and Vanu are typically out manning us by a collective of 6% or so. (NC is the largest faction, last I check). This hurts because if we use our Zerg tactic, we get completely stomped when we reach the Tech Plant(Zergs love to attack the biggest target). This flaw can be countered by fixing my next point.

    No major outfits/coordination.

    - I saw maybe two outfits for TR recruiting on the forums, both of which can't be over 20 members strong. That isn't enough to properly engage the Vanu as they displayed superior strategies.(Sending sappers to cripple defenseless Stations, having coordination with air units, using armored platoons to flank TR Sundies. Etc.) We need to band up together and establish larger outfits that can make use of our numbers.

    - Most public squads I've been in lack communication or tactics, simply going along with the Zerg or attacking seemingly random targets. It's a rare find to have squad mates with working in-game VOIP. (Not their entire fault) In squads that I have formed myself, I found more success(a little bias here :p) as I direct my men to cut off surges of Vanu that travel north, or actually commit ourselves to the defense of facilities. Squads and platoons need to be more vocal and put some thought into the big picture. Simple things like forming up a armored convoy and ESF escorting Libs and galaxies rather than everyone doing their own thing.

    - Listen to your squad leader and more importantly, join a squad! You get more XP for supporting squad mates and your leader will give you an objective to complete. Typically the squad leader knows what he(or she) is talking about. Listen to them, stick together. Strength in unity. If your leader is a Derp and you don't like the commands given, feel free to leave and join another squad. Never fight alone.

    Come on, TR! Let's work together and beat down the cultists and rebels! For the Emperor!

  2. JimBob22

    Agreed, the first few days TR on SolTech was doing great, but then NC and VS outfitted up. We definitely seem to be lacking in organization lately. I'm a medic and engineer primarily and try to stick around the main attack or defense thrusts, try to use my mic as often as I can. I've been on the lookout for a good outfit, but yeah, pickings are a little sparse...and I always feel a bit weird about accepting the invites to outfits that come out of the blue from some random stranger. Kind of would like to know more about them before signing up, but it's hard to ask in depth questions in the middle of a firefight.

    This might be better suited posted in the Recruiting section, but a bump for it anyway.
  3. Lowerydro

    I know on Matherson there were some "backdoor" deals made between the VS and NC not to fight each other and to push TR on both fronts. In multiple fights we had VS invading with small squads of NC helping them.

    I know the game was designed to work this way, but it is pretty ****** that they are doing it this early already.
  4. WitcherKing

    I agree it seems things are dire. The NC seem to hold their own quite well on SolTech and the Vanu are almost always up our *****. Most continent captures are one or the other. We had a former military as a Platoon Leader directing us last night and did really well. Most of the time though there are very few Squads to join and most are empty of chatter with everyone running around aimlessly. I plan on tracking that Platoon leader from last night and joining whatever outfit he's in.
  5. Ky3217

    Yea, Im not liking how much ground the Vanu is holding. Even the NC is doing better than us now.
  6. CrashB111

    Im on Mattherson, but I think the general thing is that on Indar Vanu never pushes NC territory because they cant Magrider spam in the canyons, so they just go north into TR lands.
  7. NoctD

    I'm wondering too - there's been a real drop-off in anything organized - I'm not part of any group myself but there were massive columns of TR during the early days that seem to be far harder to come by now. At one point, we had nearly all of Esamir but each time I look now there's no reason to warp gate over, without a huge force we'd just be cannon fodder.