TR has the worst LMGs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Loegi

    I'd rather see the other factions nerfed so that the faction traits are defined more, but I'd be happy too if TR just gets the same options.

    I think the same is present in the carbine range too.
  2. JudgeDeath

    Heh ... as a VS player my favourite LMG in the game is the TR default one. Simply beastly in all aspects <3
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  3. Mcmarion

    Honestly, TR weaponry is about gap filling with fire rate. I don't care about the damage rates of the guns. If I can make 9 shot burst in 1 to 2 seconds and hit my targets within 80 meters that weapon is doing its job. I will agree that some recoil patterns are stupid with some weapons, but like all things in this game it's adaptable. I understand what you are trying to get across with the original post but I just don't agree.
  4. HerpTheDerp

    TMG 50 a poor man's EM6? MSW-R not very good in close range? CARV is a close range LMG?

    Bro, share that bong, that's some premium **** you got there
  5. Liberty

    Personally, I feel just the opposite. Its not that TR LMG's are lackluster, its that NC / VS have such variety that perform too well at certain roles. TR LMG's handle like LMG's should. They have lots of bullets and bounce around everywhere trading heavy / sustained firepower for overall accuracy. The TMG trades a harder hitting bullet for less ROF and still bounces around everywhere.

    The problem is there are NC and VS variants you pick up and after adding the right attachments they are simply too accurate at ranges they shouldn't be. Rather it be 3 shot bursts, or extended 10 shot bursts out to whatever range you choose.

    People can spout off gun statistics until they are blue in the face, but all they really need to do is hop into the VR and drop targets at 20, 50, and 100 M's to know what others are talking about.

    *Note* If you are someone who discounts the VR training room but then links to spread sheet numbers, you are an idiot.

    From my own personal experience, I find that it takes me more bullets to kill stationary targets at 50+ M with any TR LMG than it does with VS and NC equivalents. There was even 1 VS gun (It was either the URSA or SVA-88) where I couldn't believe I could maintain headshot clusters out to 50 M and drop targets before the bloom got out of hand. With a staggering 900 hours of experience with TR guns its something I can't replicate with anything they have.

    As a final note, TR do have the most variety of close mid to mid range LMG's as pretty much all of them fall into that category. But having the most variety within a certain range leaves much wider gaps in other ranges. For example, the MSWR is great from 10 - 30 M. Under 10 it will usually lose to shotguns. Above it will start to lose to more accurate ranged guns. However, guns like the SAW can start to be amazing at 30 M if you can land headshots and stretch out to 120 M with their pinpoint first shot accuracy.

    My suggestion for people is, go to the VR training room. Don't spend 5 minutes, spend a few hours. Then take a look at how quickly/efficiently/accurately you can drop targets at various ranges with various guns. Do some kills where you count bullets and make a mental note of mag% used. And you'll be able to see what the OP was talking about (rather than simply linking some over used spreadsheet data).
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  6. Outlier

    Hey Ned

    You and I spoke at length yesterday in VR regarding the usefulness of TR LMGs (and about shotguns in general, I recommended checking out the Barrage). While I'm in complete agreement that TR LMGs are lackluster when compared to their cross faction counterparts, I don't really have a problem with it given that TR have the best cqc Carbines and all-range Assault Rifles in the game.

    If I would recommend 1 change, VS currently have a monopoly on cqc .75 ADS LMGs (Orion & SVA-88) (also: don't get me started on the POS that is the NS-15m). Giving the TR MSW-R & NC GD22-S .75 ADS would go a long way in evening out close quarter HA brawls.
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  7. Ned

    I don't remember that chat sorry, whats your in game name?

    I would also agree with you there, the Orion seems to be a dominator for close to medium range
  8. Dagonlives

    I am an assault rifle user and considering the TR assault rifles are far better then the other factions, I am willing to take a hit in the LMG category. T16 isnt a half bad LMG either. What the TR could use is a possible remake on some of their guns. They have 4 LMGS that are very similar with minimal differences. TMG is also pretty trash.
  9. Dis

    TMG-50. MSW-R. CARV-S (with extended mag).

    OP couldn't be more wrong.
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  10. Paisty

    Yeah, try to equip an Assault Rifle on your HA. Seems like you prefer Medic, some of us do not.

    Yes all the TR LMG's are pretty much the same, engaging enemies at 60m with any of the TR LMG's is a roll of the dice, on whether you will survive. At about 80m NC and VS will win hands down.

    The COF on all of the TR LMG's is overboard, has been and I doubt our most important damage class(HA) will ever be allowed equal treatment, to the NC and VS HA's.

    Now this is for the NC and VS that are going to post, "but your RoF makes up for it"

    No, it does not. The TR RoF simply increases our COF much faster and makes the recoil much more difficult to control.

    As with our vehicle and Max Empire specific abilities, the TR RoF is actually a hindrance much more often then a benefit. But at least I have a choice to deploy.
  11. umbrellapower

    I love the MSW-R. It's basically the Orion without a 0.75 ADS move speed but a much sexier look and advanced laser. TMG-50 is also worlds better than the Ursa or Flare. Seriously, **** those guns. T16 is also amazingly stable with the advanced foregrip. There really isn't any faction flavor in this game, to be honest. TR guns aren't noticeably worse or better than any other faction's weapons.

    On a side note, IMO all CQC-focused LMGs should get 0.75 ADS, or no LMG should get a 0.75 ADS move speed.
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  12. hawken is better

    I personally feel like that's what the T32 should have been; 896 rpm, 125/112 max/min damage, 0.15 vertical recoil, same-old 0.2 horizontal recoil.

    I think it's kind of strange that TR's faction trait of having high rate-of-fire weapons gets passed around to the other two factions, while TR isn't allowed to have any 200-damage carbines/lmgs/assault rifles or the constantly (and purposely) understated perk of having no bullet drop. Of course, chanting "10 EXTRA BULLETS" somehow makes it okay.

    Most likely the SVA-88, probably the best all around LMG in the game. It's sad how the T32 is basically a nerfed version of it.
  13. Ganelon

    You're ******* joking.
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  14. TheGreatOne80

    I play all 3 factions and have to say TR LMGs are the worst.

    Carv was great (to tell the truth it was OP) but after the nerfs now it's just bad. Carv-S is I think the worst LMG and one of the worst weapons in the game. Pure garbage. The TMG is a bad EM6 and the MSW-R is a bad Orion.

    The NC have great LMGs. My favourite is the Anchor, but the EM6 and the Gauss Saw are both very good guns. The EM1 is the 2nd worse LMG in the game.

    The VS have the best gun in game and it's called SVA-88. It's very accurate with 0.75 ADS speed. I just love that gun. The orion is the best CQC LMG but shoguns and SMGs are better for these fights.

    Someone said TR had the best ARs and carbines. TR ARs are very good. T1, T1S, TAR, TRV are all good but they are not better than than the VS and NC assault rifles. My favourite ARs are the Carnage and the T1S.

    Carbines... I don't like any of them. I think all the very high RoF carbines were nerfed too much. It's just better to use SMGs or Shotguns if you like them.
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  15. Bill Hicks

    You have the MSR W which is far better than any CQC LMG the NC have. The only LMG we have better is the Gauss saw.
    The VS have everything better than TR heavies. Orion and the sv 88
  16. Bill Hicks

    You are mad. Orion owns any SMG in CQC and any shotgun not point blank.
  17. Dis

    This ain't no joke. If you try to use it as a primary, every situation type of weapon you're gonna have a bad time. However, if you use it in chaotic fights where multiple targets are available in every direction, it's exceptional.
  18. DreamlessLiberty

    Do any of the VS LMGs have an advanced forgrip? The Orion is really good and beats most TR LMGs. Most VS LMGs seem to have good hip fire accuracy which is important against LAs. The T16 doesn't have the 2x sight for whatever reason which holds it back. Doesn't make sense to have an advanced forgrip and no 2x sight. The T16 has no compensator. It has poor hip fire accuracy so putting a 3.4x scope on it is risky. Gauss saw doesn't need any comment. DPS almost equal to Orion and Carv with all the best add-ons and good at all ranges. But it complements the Shotgun maxs limited range. The flare also has no bullet drop of course nor does the ursa. And of course the VS has the lasher which creates visual noise cluttering your FOV. I don't know if the TMG-50 or the ursa with no bullet drop is a better headshot gun. The VS has better weapon/attachment options than does the TR. But I am satisfied with the TRs LMG arsenal. It might not measure up to the other factions LMGs and the T16 not having a 2x sight is crappy but the MSR-W with 4x sight and the TMG-50 are skill guns which are fun to use(even though I haven't really started using the TMG-50 yet).
  19. DreamlessLiberty

    If only the carv-s had the hip fire accuracy of the sv 88 and not such wild horizontal recoil.
  20. Bolticus

    The only problem I have with TR LMGs is the dreadful horizontal recoil.
    You can't hit a damn thing at range.

    But then again, I don't really play my TR much(BR 13) so I may not be as informed as you TR players.
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