TR HA Anti-Air

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by dasbluemedic, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Supercakers

    I said screw it, and decided to actually support the game today =) Got just enough SC to buy the HA AA launcher and yep, it has been great! Making lots of pilots pop flares in big and small battles, have had a good amount of kills and tons of assists. Totally worth $7. All the certs I was saving, I went ahead poured into rival combat chassis 2 and 3 for magrider, wow. I can nearly float over a dang house! Braking and side-to-side movement is great, and I can go in reverse literally as fast as I can go forwards. This means no more getting shot in the @#! while making a run for it, and I've even taken a few people out that were chasing me.
  2. Rown

    Without hyperbole, I can say I've killed more aircraft with my brand new grounder by making them panic and afterburn their plane into a tree (which was pants ******** hilarious) than from actual missile hits.
  3. Takuan

    I think it was a waste of money. 1 12 pack of rockets can wipe out me my squad and my sundy.. How is this comparable with anything else? How do we justify the SAME amount of certs spent on that addition to any plane? These planes should be Crippled. I actually hit a Liberator with my Vanu version of this 5 times .. there was still a sliver of health left..I want my money/certs back!

    I never have any issue hitting them, unless their glitching, using discons to ghost.
  4. Jestunhi

    1. Air costs resources, HA does not.
    2. Air has cooldowns, infantry do not.

    Upgraded infantry don't have the power of an upgraded tank either.

    HA should not expect a huge buff to AA, otherwise air would be useless. A lone HA taking on Air should stand the same chance as a lone HA taking on a tank.
  5. grapefruit hamster

    If you're in an outfit and even two of you have this...good times
  6. SixVoltSamurai

    Agree that the AA Rocket will not be upgraded or buffed anytime soon.

    Disagree with your reasons.

    Tanks cost more resources than ESF, yet tanks have 0 chance even against a pilot with downs, the walker is 90% useles yet requires a cert investment where as ESF's do not nosegun kills tanks quick too, l2shootatrear. Tanks get the luxury of killing infantry slightly easier, that's about it. Air superiority is one thing, but every other vehicle has to choose what they want to deal with and excel against, which is something ground vehicles can't even choose to do right now vs air. Skyguard is worthless, Walker is fairly useless unless it's close and the ESF is somehow not rofflepodding you in the ***, and spray and praying with the tank shell is a waste of ammunition.

    Only stupid pilots that have to sit still forever to fire accurately in an ESF get shot down by tanks, 4-5 rockets from the rear unloaded in less than 2 seconds... hm, so the tank never had a chance. They need to change it back to one main gun shell destroys an ESF, as it stands they can withstand MORE damage than a giant, slow moving, heavily armored tank. 2 rocket shots in the tailpipe? Dead tank. 2 grounders.. got time to land and repair, it's k. All done with less resources, amazing how that works out.

    Anyways, the HA lock on AA launcher is probably where it's going to be for the rest of time, which is fine.. when used in numbers it will clear out the sky in a jiff... I'm just hoping that people realize that sometime soon instead of running around as snipers and LA thinking they're going to do something vs an air or ground vehicle zerg.