TR gun selection

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by saltedham, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. saltedham

    I'v got 900 saved and am still using the stock gun with no upgrades and I was wondering what gun should i get?

    I'm terrible at shooting, usually only getting kills when I get the drop on enemies or out number them. I try to hid, take cover, controlled bursts ect. but it doesn't do much plus I have trouble handling recoil.

    I tend to keep my distance from enemies and focus on healing since its easier for me to get certs like that. I'm leaning towards sabr 13 since the 2 shot burst fire with me less recoil and more accuracy for me, plus the compensator and advanced forward grip to compensate for me.

    I just don't want to waste a huge amount of certs for nothing.
  2. serenekaos

    dont get Sabr-13
  3. saltedham

    What gun should I get that goes well with my playstlye then?
  4. Somentine

    T1S - Cycler.
    Or Ns-11

    By the way, you can press B and change your fire rate if you want to have an artificial burst.
    • Up x 1
  5. centurionvi

    Honestly none of them are different enough to be worth spending 1,000 certs. The default Cycler is plenty good, if you're struggling with that I don't think a new gun would make much of a difference.
  6. saltedham

    Do attachments carryover to other guns?
  7. sgthunter

    Hello friend.

    I have had this question too when I was a TR medic... couldn't hit **** from 10m away. So I basically switched to the noob friendly Vanu and their weapons are crazy easy to use. Just make a test vanu character and test all the stock weapons (best one is the engineer one)

    I went from my TR K/D ratio of 3 kills 27 deaths to Vanu K/D ratio of 39 kills 13 deaths :D

    Maybe after we get used to these noob weapons we can learn how to use the TR ones later.
  8. DarthItachi

    No attachment does not carry over other guns. You have to cert a new one
  9. Trysaeder

    The default TR AR is the best gun in the game. Learn how to use it instead of looking for an excuse.

    You're wasting your certs if you buy another gun. For 130 certs you can put a foregrip and 1x red dot sight on the Cycler and you're set for every situation.

    Shooting range performance:

    If you MUST buy a new gun, the TRV is even better when used correctly, but is harder to use.
  10. xthorgoldx

    Default Cycler is good if the rest of your medic is certed out (Rez 5 or ****). For long range, I'd suggest the NS-11 - it's solid in both, and if you're in the US you can get it free at a GameStop with a SC card (save it for double/triple, though).
  11. YuanrangJA

    Attachments do, however, carry over to other guns.

    The Repater pistol share attachments with everyone, as do vehicles and some weapons. IE: If several classes can use the same gun, they all share the attachments that have been bought on one class. For instance: My Engineer and Light Assault share the same Carbine.

    Personally, I am a T1S Cycler guy, but that is primarily because of the versatility of the gun. I have no problems getting distance kills with it, as long as I fire intelligently.
  12. HerpTheDerp

    Click on your lodaout, your gun, select "Get More", filter it by [x] Locked and [x] Assault Rifle, select one of them, click Unlock, click Try It at the bottom.

    You now have 30 minutes of playing time with the weapon you picked. Don't forget to equip it!

    You can do this once every 8 hours, but you have to wait a month before trying the same weapon again.

    NS-11A is the best.

    Don't go to Vanu. They smell.
    • Up x 1
  13. Kanut

    For me, the best weapon for TR medic is the CYCLER TRV, for close and medium combat and she is cheap, only 250 certs.
  14. Kociboss

    Cycler TRV is very good, but I don't like it so much after the nerf. Before, I was using it with foregrip and crosshair for CQB was tight enough. Now I basically have to run with adv. laser.

    I also have TAR and for one reason or another, I can never aim properly with it. It shakes violently from right to left.

    Atm I mostly use default cycler. People are like "Whaaa...?" but let me tell you - This is a very good gun, with balanced horizontal recoil and high ROF. I like it with foregrip and reflex 1x or NV. Why not T1S? It has lower ROF and grenades are still buggy.
  15. DeadLamb

    Odds are it's your play style and not the gun... You need to be that "behind the front line" sort of medic..
    IMO stick with the base gun, throw a compensator on it and the 2x reflex site (you're not going to be fighting long range anyways). Stick next to people in your squad and don't roam around on your own all that much. You're the mop up guy who finishes off the person who is half dead already due to your now dead team mate on the ground in front of you. At that point you go full auto on the bad guy who killed your squad mate, killing the bad guy, then revive your teammate.

    All of sudden you are the boss medic who clears the area and saves people afterwards.. I mean feel free to take some shots at the bad guy as your human meat shield team mate is battling him too of course.. but mostly you let THEM go first, you go second or third and just clean up everyone they leave for you, even if you have to step over their body to do it.
  16. DuckSauce

    I play NC and my new favorite gun is the Carnage BR, which is roughly (some differences) a Cycler clone with a smaller mag but slightly more forgiving recoil and better attachments. If I were playing TR, I would be using the default Cycler hands-down. Spend those certs on your medic tool, or your choice of armor, or revive grenades.
  17. Mafarett

    Why are you trying to confuse new players? Those aren't different guns, they're the same gun that multiple classes can use. The original question was asking if multiple guns can share attachments, which they can't.
  18. NexiKuro

    Hey, I like that gun! :(

    Whats wrong with it? fairly accurate, low recoil, above average bullet damage, decent hip spread. it's only flaw is that its TTK is poor up close because of its rate of fire. It's probably not the right gun for OP, semi's generally have a steeper learning curve, not to mention 2 shot semi's.

    Can't really give any advice that hasn't been given before. Try out the guns that you're interested in, to see if any fit your style better. Wait with the trial until you hit a good place to test it like the crown or something. As a general rule of thumb, if a gun fires faster its recoil will be higher but more stable/consistent.
  19. Zagz

    As a few said. If shooting is not your thing than focus on increasing your medic skills. If you really want a gun, the NS-11 is a great overall weapon and with just a bit of practice, it is one of the most powerful one in the game. If you prefer a more spray and pray type of gun, the TAR is amazing at close range but I personally dislike the medium and long range on it.
  20. Joust

    Both the default TR weapon and the NS-11A are fantastic. The NS11 lacks the RPM to be [initially] amazing at CQC, but soft-point ammo, a 2x reflex (or NV scope), suppressor and laser will make you a wrecking ball in close spaces (not to mention, invisible). It also has a toggle to a single fire mode.

    For the people who will say "well, I want something for long range too, so I won't use a suppressor and soft point, also give me bronies and rainbows and cookies to give to my patients keke", [first, don't listen to them, then] trust me, you don't. Primarily, there are no weapons which excel at close, medium and long range. Secondarily, medics do not kill at long range - just unload half a clip, tag him once and let someone else finish him off. There is almost always something better for a medic to be doing than trying to snipe down targets, not to mention you still get ~30% xp for the assist. If you only play medic and you have a kill:death ratio greater than 1, that's normal.

    The role of a medic is to be the last one standing after a firefight so you can revive your squad and push forward while the opposing one has to regroup. You are no use as a medic if you want to be the first one in a door, guns blazing - just switch to heavy now and start leveling up your CARV 9.