[TR] Forlorn Hope [FH] is recruiting

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by TooFresh, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. TooFresh


    Hail Terran Republic soldiers,

    The Forlorn Hope outfit is now recruiting new members for launch and beyond.

    About the Forlorn Hope

    Forlorn Hope is a Planetside 2 centric outfit formed in beta. The Forlorn Hope is made up of Planetside 1 veterans from various outfits as well as players from diverse gaming backgrounds new to the Planetside universe. We are currently located on the US server Genudine.

    Goals of the Forlorn Hope

    Our goals are to have fun first and foremost. This is a game after all. But for members of the Forlorn Hope, enjoyment comes with turning the map red and making an impact on the battlefield. We regularly run at least one platoon per night devoted to teamplay. Members of the Forlorn Hope squads are expected to coordinate objectives, stick together, and communicate effectively.

    Even though we are a results based group of players, we keep the mood light. When we aren't setting objectives and calling out priority targets, members of the Forlorn Hope are conversing and socializing. Forlorn Hope is about being effective on the battlefield while fostering an environment of camaraderie.

    Focus of the Forlorn Hope

    The Forlorn Hope was founded to focus on mechanized ground-based gameplay. We regularly utilize sunderers, prowlers, and lightnings in our play sessions and consider this to be a strong point. That doesn't mean that there isn't room for other playstyles. As the outfit and primary squad leader, I make it my responsibility to utilize the strength of my squad members. So even a dedicated mosquito pilot is an asset to coordinate with our ground units.

    In addition to mechanized gameplay, members of the Forlorn Hope are expected to function on the battlefield outside of vehicles. Infantry play in the Forlorn Hope is based on playing a role effectively. Members can choose the classes and roles they enjoy because we have members that play every role and rarely have shortages.

    Membership in the Forlorn Hope

    Forlorn Hope is welcoming to all members as long as they are willing to adhere to some guidelines:

    There is no age restriction, but members of the Forlorn Hope are expected to be mature in communications.

    There is no restriction on profanity, but members of the Forlorn Hope are expected to be respectful to all other outfit members. There is no room in the Forlorn Hope for players that are disruptive or disrespectful to me or my outfitmates.

    There is no requirement for headsets or third party applications, but members of the Forlorn Hope without headsets are expected to listen and communicate with in game chat if needed.

    There is no requirements for commitment, but members are asked to be active in game and in the community. For some members of the Forlorn Hope the ability to play 8 hours a day is a reality, but for many it is not. Many members of the Forlorn Hope work full time jobs and have responsibilities to school work, family, and other activities and the outfit will never interfere with outside life.

    There is no requirement for in game ability, but members that have a background in First Person Shooters or a willingness to learn will be the most successful. Members of the Forlorn Hope have diverse gaming backgrounds ranging from FPS, MOBAs, RTS, MMOs, and RPGs.

    If a recruit is willing to follow these simple guidelines, then they are a welcome member of the Forlorn Hope. This outfit does not discriminate based on age, gender, sexual preference, geographic location, or in game ability.

    Recruitment in the Forlorn Hope

    Recruitment of the Forlorn Hope does not include an extensive application process or interviews.

    The basic way to be a recruit in the Forlorn Hope is to contact a member in game. Either send me (TooFresh) a message or friend request or contact any member with a [FH] tag. We will invite you to an outfit squad and after playing with you if everything is a good fit then you will be offered an invite.

    Another way to be a recruit is to contact me out of game. Please visit our website at www.psforlornhope.enjin.com and post on the recruitment forum. Or, you can either reply to this recruitment thread or send me a message on these forums. I will do my best to respond and answer questions promptly. From there we can coordinate a time to play together.

    TL; DR

    Outfit Name: Forlorn Hope
    Outfit tag : FH
    Server : Genudine
    Focus : Combined Arms; Mechanized Specialty
    Leader : TooFresh
    Website : www.psforlornhope.enjin.com
    Age Requirement: None
    Mic/ Software Requirement : Preferred; not required

    Thank you for your consideration of the Forlorn Hope and good luck in your search for an outfit.

    Whether or not you choose the Forlorn Hope, joining an outfit, big or small, is a great way to improve personal gameplay and enjoyment.

    • Up x 1
  2. BeefNoodles

    I can definitely vouch for this outfit. The guys are awesome, and thanks to our outfit operations, we (TR) were the first faction to triple cap all three continents. And Forlorn Hope has done it three times since.
  3. Rage Kage

    good group to play with; friendly and worth joining up with!
  4. AaryionRaslan

    Nice team. If you want to have some fun, join in. After taking multiple bases around it - we did a "awww, what the hell" for fun gal INF assualt on the crown. Was some of the more hilarious 10 mins I had , hacking terminals and phalanx turrets and causing all sorts of mad chaos.

    Then we got back to serious *** kicking. :D :D :D
  5. insane2170

    These guys are pro, we play with them all the time :)

    Very mature group.
  6. Likkarn

    Great group of people that works as a cohesive unit. If you like to work as a team, join Forlorn Hope. Just don't mention Indar or The Crown.
  7. Chicken Wings

    An outfit worthy of recognition. TooFresh himself is a fantastic leader, whose visionary tactical and logistics capabilities make him nearly unmatched as a leader. Alongside him are worthy and highly capable soldiers and pilots whose skills have proven decisive in battle. A great outfit indeed.

  8. MasterJJ136

    I'm not quite sure how we managed to let this slip so far down on these forums, but I suppose we have been rather busy In-Game.

    If your looking for an active outfit on Genudine, we almost always have at least a squad running, and normally we can turn it into a full platoon within a couple hours. Like TooFresh said, we do not have any requirements to join, and would love to have YOU! We do some crazy ops (always crazy fun, sometimes just plain crazy), and we just want to have fun with this game. If your a casual gamer who is looking for a great place to hang out and play, Forlorn Hope is for you! If you want an invite to the squad, send me (Justin136 In-Game) or Toofresh a friend request or tell, and we will get back to you ASAP with a squad invite.

    Don't be fooled, while we are here to have fun, we also want to win. So come prepared to show the NC and VS how its REALLY done on Genudine!

    I'll see you on the Front Soldier! Good Luck!
