TR constantly out-numbered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nurath, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Nurath

    I'm noticing a habit of TR being out-numbered and thus overrun most fronts I deploy to.

    I get that playing as high tech psuedo-intellectual snobs or as space-American cowboys is appealing and all but I feel like if my experience is common for TR then soon this game's gonna be a two-faction race.

  2. PurpleBeefer

    TR outnumbered? what server, they seem to do fine her eon Connery
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  3. sindz

    The most populated faction since release is complaining about pop numbers?

    I see.
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  4. ParadoxPancake

    Are you on Emerald? I hate to say this, but this was Waterson VS's experience with both the TR and the NC for a long time. It happens and it does eventually change and shift.

    The TR on Waterson had a pop advantage over everyone at first and then it shifted to the NC. With the server merge, the VS now has talented players who performed well previously despite being outnumbered with a competitive population.

    Look at this as the Waterson VS did: it's an opportunity to harden up on your teamwork between outfits and get better despite the odds. Believe me, you get a lot better as a player when the odds are stacked against you regularly.
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  5. TheFamilyGhost

    Connery TR here. Get a good platoon, and profit. Forget about the larger picture. Get yours locally, and cover your buddy. You'll find the guy to your left and right are doing the same thing.

    Connery TR. The few. The proud.
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  6. Blippy

    I'm pretty sure the OP said TR, not NC.
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  7. ParadoxPancake

    NC wasn't the most populated faction at release. TR was.

    TR was largely the most populated due to popular Youtube streamers playing on TR, so people followed suit. People changed to NC mainly because the weapons are appealing and Murica.
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  8. Badname707

    TR had a solid pop advantage on most servers for about a year, if not more than one. After their more OP gear was nerfed, a lot of them jumped ship, and NC became most popular. However, it's not nearly as lopsided as it was initially with the TR, nor dominant across as many servers as they had been.
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  9. Jachim

    This is funny coming from the overpopped faction since launch, the VS.
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  10. TheBossPro1

    TR and NC are equal with population but VS has a bit to many players and always wins alerts so VS outnumber TR and NC if your on hope this kinda helps with your question probably not
  11. Jachim

    SO basically this guys excuse is 'Well because the VS were underpopped for a while now you should suffer too.

    Give me a ******* break.
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  12. Saviorself

    If you play on Connery, TR pop isn't that bad primetime, just stay out of the midnight timeslots.

    No, TR was most popular on release due to north warp gate. This incidentally gave TR the crown about 70% of the time.

    None of the factions were underpop around release. The population imbalance problem began rearing its ugly head after the server merges as the playerbase declined.
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  13. CrashB111

    Except the TR have been the lowest pop on Matherson for years now.
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  14. TriumphantJelly

    Oh dear god it's Jachim....

    VS were Overpopped because of the SwagSpider and OPZOE. These were nerfed. A lot. VS are now Underpopped on most servers (pretty much all but Connery/Emerald, I think).
  15. Bonom Denej

    I have to admit that even Miller doesn't have that massive TR overpop it was famous for since quite a while.
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  16. Nurath

    That may just be it, thanks for the heads up.
  17. PastalavistaBB

    TR is underpoped on most servers for quite a time now. There's a spike in VS population due to Hossin. (It's basically a tailor made continent for the VS) Nobody wants to fight the endless PPA spam nor the hordes of Vanguards and Scatmaxes, so both NC and VS prefer to fight the TR, since they really have nothing that stands out atm. That just adds to the problem. If this goes on unattended, it's just expected that the TR pop will drop even more.
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  18. DJStacy

    I would always prefer to be slightly underpopulated than overpopulated, makes for a far more interesting game..........

    Your defences have to be solid and your attacks have to show that you can think, instead of throwing every player you have to make a wall of bodies deep enough so the rest of the zerg reach the point.

    Lots of players think of PS2 in straight lines, they just follow the lattice from base to base climbing over the dead zergers infront of them lol.

    PS2 is far from that, with stealth vehicles, infils and beacons whole platoons can collect MBT, sunnies and everything you need and come at bases from undefended directions.

    Even if you don't own a tech plant you can hack someone else's and pull your MBT's ..............

    PS2 rewards out of the box style game play and being slightly underpopulated just makes wining feel like you earned it :).

    No one has to sit around and get farmed, redeploy and strike back from a different direction. Even if you don't make the defence rolling up from behind and wiping out every vehicle they have is great fun .....................
  19. Goretzu

    TR have been fine generally this is the last year (and bear in mind from Feb-Aug 2013 (prior to what is shown on the graph) the TR were ahead population-wise. :confused:
  20. Nevron

    Originally TR on Jaeger was great. Unfortunately got merged twice into servers with bad TR. The ****fests known as Waterson and Mattherson.