TR claymore question

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by EaterOfBabies, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Jac70

    All the times I have been killed by a mine I have not seen it - pretty sure that I should have seen some of them because I was looking out for them. It seems often they stop rendering but are still active.
  2. Eric Smith

    There are a host of bugs related to Claymore visibility and perceived directional facing as well as operational effectiveness. I wish I'd bookmarked it, but a little while ago someone posted a video showing the bugs. First, the lasers are visible to anybody nearby when the Claymore if placed - I think it was within 30m. Friend or foe doesn't matter, if you're inside that range when the mine is dropped you can see the lasers, outside that range you can't. Sometimes moving outside that range and coming back in will also hide the lasers. Next, Claymores are directional, however they very often bug out and the model is shown facing some other direction from where the Claymore is actually pointing except for the owner of the mine, who always sees the mine facing the correct direction. Claymores (and other mines too, I believe) also seem to suffer from an occasional bug where they fall through the floor. I'm not 100% sure, but I do believe that when this happens the mine will no longer damage opponents, making for an annoying waste of resources.

    All that being said I still use them often and use them very effectively. I just wish it were cheaper to get the 3rd one - I'd love to have 3, but can't bring myself to spend over 2k Certs on the utility pouch when I don't use tank mines that often and almost never use C4 on my Engy.
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  3. Hypersot

    never seen lights on a claymore playing as an NC or VS

    only times I spot a claymore is when they are placed in a totally inappropriate location (like next to a cap point which is the most expected location to place a mine)

    if it is true that claymores are directional then that is a pro and not a con imo, especially if they have a higher range.

    Having a directional mine means that you can essentially cover your back while being protected from the mine's blast... how can that be bad?

    Also, to have a mine work effectively it really needs to be placed near a corner anyway, omni in corners work like a directional mine , so there you have it

    I'd like to see an option for omni and direction to be selectable on placing though for all factions
  4. Fallout10mm

    dam they are visible? then they need a redesign, the vanu and the nc's mines are dam near invisible in comparison.
  5. Frosty The Pyro

    my experence are the same as yours, i have only seen the lasers once, and i saw the guy planting it. It should also be noted I operate on low graphics settings.
  6. Lucidius134

    never seen the lights on the claymores but that's because i'm peripherally blind lmao