[TR] Bighorn and The President

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Mustarde, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Mustarde

    I unlocked the directive rewards today upon logging in, and spent some time with the Bighorn and President (suppressed repeater).

    Bighorn: Compensator increases your minimap ping. For that small price, you get some additional velocity. The SPB is equipped, as well as a 7x scope. If you've played infiltrator long enough to have earned this thing, you know that it is just like ALL sniper rifles: learn the ROF/reload, learn the velocity, and hit the head. After an hour, I had gotten the hang of the bullet drop and was sniping just like I do with the RAMS and SR7. For those who earn this rifle, it's nice to have a new shiny status symbol, but it won't replace anything you already own. That being said, I LOVE having it :)

    The President: The name of this gun is the biggest selling point. But let me say that I am one of the few TR who hates the repeater with a passion. It is so inaccurate that even at 10m if your target dances a little, you are likely to require a reload in order to kill them off. The niche this special weapon fills is that it is suppressed without harming damage falloff/velocity as much as a regular suppressed repeater. So I used it a little as a stalker and it seemed alright. Personally, the only real role of the repeater is to use for easy quick stalker kills. Against smarter enemies, a revolver or the Emperor is a more reliable sidekick.

    Barely used the new TR SMG so I will need some time before letting you know how it feels. I bought the AMP, but haven't tried it yet.
    • Up x 1
  2. Epicstrat

    I have the same sentiments about the NC's Moonshot. Plus the name is great. I always loved the suppressed Magshot, so The Executive has also found a place in my arsenal. Just need my shiny knife and armor to go with all these glowing guns.