I'm going for the T1A Unity first on my TR main, though the SMG directive may happen first if I keep playing late at night... However I only have three AR's. The default T1 Cycler, the Cycler TRV and the NS-11A. What other weapons should I pick up? Worth noting that I hate the SABR in VR training, so if you suggest that please leave some pointers for using it as well. Or burst weapons in general (since the T1B is so cheap certwise).
You don't have to choose anything. If you despise burst weapons, then your options are TORQ, TAR and T1S. Pick any rifle and go shoot some people, you'll have to auraxium them one by one anyway. Although nothing beats burst weapons if you keep a distance and aim for the head, thats 2 click kills.
You can't go wrong with any TR ARs. You already have the T1 and the TRV - both are superb. I advise picking up the TORQ-9; it's a great all-rounder capable of handling any and all situations thanks to a wide range of attachments and being very accurate and controllable (with a solid TTK to top it off). As for the SABR-13 - it's a shame you loathe it, because it's a beastly gun. it doesn't shine, however, until you deck it out. The usual mid-long range setup would include an Adv. Foregrip, Compensator and *no* HVA (it only has 1 tier of drop off and the vanilla muzzle velocity is more than enough); give it a whirl. Finally, the TAR is still very solid in CQC (0.75 ADS, tight hipfire, Adv. Laser Sight and 800 RPM).
I know that burst weapons are great at range. Which ironically is where I prefer to be. Probably the ex-infil main showing through. It shows when I consider my favourite SMG's across all factions are the NS7-PDW and the Cyclone (Christ the cyclone is good). But I just suck with burst weapons. That's the setup I tried. 1x, foregrip and compensator (which, incidentally is the loadout I use on all weapons if they have a compensator). I just cant seem to reliably get the two shots to hit the same spot. Obviously something to do with my recoil compensation since I struggle with bursting other weapons too at times. This ties in with my reply to kohairy, actually. Other than practice, are there any tips you guys have for using burst weapons to their full extent? I just cant seem to manage the FSRM so all shots land in the same place. Otherwise I'll just pick up the TORQ and TAR (in that order). Possibly changing the TAR for the T1S for the compensator and slightly lower fire rate leading to a better HSR.
My first piece of advice would be aiming at the upper chest, this way the second shot kicks up and hits the baddies square between the eyes. Another tip would be to pre-compensate for recoil; that is drag the mouse down a bit *before* you fire and try to keep it leveled from there. It might sound counterintuitive, but it works. When fighting at mid-long ranges try to time your bursts (no need to hit the ROF limit), otherwise spam away, but you probably knew that already. Also - the TAR and the T1S are very different weapons; superior accuracy vs superior firepower and mobility. Just something to consider.
Take note that if you prefer to be somewhat away from the enemy, TAR isn't for you, its designed for run&gun gameplay, but if your mouse sensitivity is low enough, it can be used to successfully snipe at mid-long ranges (with 2-3 shots bursts, just how you like) due to high muzzle velocity. I've auraxiumed it with ALS though, never used foregrip, never regretted the choice.
There's not much trick to using burst weapons since they've been buffed (or the SABR since forever), although I suppose the clicking could throw off your aim. If you're the kind of player who just mashes M1 as fast as possible, you may be oversampling, i.e. you're losing damage because you're clicking too fast and some aren't registering. It's better to listen to the rhythm of the shots and use that to time your clicks. If clicking is actively forcing your cursor off target, you might want to lower your sensitivity. What kind of optic are you using? I'd starting with whatever your "default" is (2x for me). I think that often times when people have trouble with long-range weapons, it's because they overestimated the optimal range of the weapon, and using low-zoom optics forces you to stick reasonably close.
I've been on this crusade recently myself. I used, in order TAR, T1 Cycler, TORQ-9, SABR-13 and Cycler TRV. They were all huge fun, not a bad weapon in the bunch. As Lord_Avatar says, it's a shame the SABR doesn't sit right with you, as it sounds as though it'd be right up your alley. I was a little unsure of it when I first picked it up myself, but after a bit more use I came to realize just how accurate you can be with the thing! I believe it actually has a negative first-shot multiplier of 0.75, along with a pretty stable horizontal profile, and access to an advanced grip and compensator. I'm of the opinion you can't really go wrong with any TR assault rifles, but if I had to recommend two it'd be the SABR and the TORQ. The latter is rather curious indeed, definitely worth trying out!
I'd suggest TORQ-9 and TAR or SABR-13. It's a shame SABR doesn't sit well with you I too hated it when I first picked it up. But I slowly grew into it (even got a few hackusations from snipers because back then the 6x scope on it didn't sway) and after the buff to its FSRM it got a while back I fell fully in love with it. I actually plan to go back to it after I get my T1A. For kitting it out, I think Lord_Avatar said it the best. The only extra bit of advice I can think of is: prioritise headshots. In CQC those are your only guarantee of survival. And as Dualice has said you can't go wrong with TR assault rifles.
Nice Yeah I really wasn't sure of it at first, I guess burst weapons really aren't common fare in PS2 these days. Took a bit of getting used to, but SABR is definitely up there with one of my fav ARs! Hehe, great minds think alike
My auraxium lineup is in this order: TAR, SABR, TORQ, TRV and T1 (WIP). Edit: aready done the first 3, TRV is just a couple kills away and roughly 800 kills left on T1.
Is the SABR really that great at range though? I have the NS-11A for longer ranges and it works well enough. It's a weapon I want to like. Will pick it up when certs aren't in such desperate demand. So it seems as though the TORQ is a unanimous favourite. Feels like a laser of death in VR. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks for all the advice
Nice! T1 will go quick enough I daresay, 143 @ 750 is nice in quite a few situations. If you like the Cycler you'll like the Unity. The soft point is a nice addition, the forward grip isn't quite as good as the one you'd get on the stock T1, but I haven't noticed a huge difference if I'm honest. On the whole it works nicely within its intended role, which is more than can be said for the Shuriken. NS-11 is amazingly controllable, true. I guess the main advantage to using the SABR at range is the higher damage tier. I generally find it much more satisfying to use over the NS-11 too, but that's just my tastes.
I primarily play ADS at slightly longer ranges, so I did (in this order) Default --> NS11A --> Torq9 --> TRV --> T1S All of which had 2x Reflex, Forward grip, Compensator + SPA if available. FWIW - My favourites were Torq9 and NS11A, but didn't really like the T1S for some reason.
It makes a nice sound! Reminds me of the older, more "aggressive" noise the TAR and TRV used to make. Other than that it feels fairly middle-of-the-road though, I agree. Out of interest did you try the SABR? If so, what did you think?
imo if your playing TR medic you have to use the SABR. Your not going to 2 shot kill/headshot people at 150m as some think. And get caught with your pants down and your in trouble. But its a unique gun that if used to its strengths is one of the most dominant weapons in the game. I found if you find the range most auto weapons cannot land most of there rounds on full auto (and i dont mean the carv, thats 12cm) thats where the SABR will kill anything short of a skilled NC6. Annoyingly the 2nd round splits from the first at a considerable rate, so there is a window where the gun is very very powerful, but either side of that its a liabilty. I liked the speed the recoil resets, you can really spam the trigger and land a high proportion of rounds. And when farming/supporting contested doorways/allys its ability to land 300 damage instantly will steal you a lot of kills. imo its amongst the best TR guns, if not the best. Re range, it will out gun most things at range, the thing with the sabr is even when your at a range where you have to single shot, itll land rounds on target as fast as you hit fire, so unless your at an extreme range where drop is severe enough to hamper your effort, your oppenent is going to have to be pretty good to down it.
Agreed! It is one of the more unique bits of gear in the TR arsenal, until the burst weapon changes it was, to my knowledge, the only weapon in the game with a negative first-shot multiplier. It is crazy-controllable at just about any range, I've found it can even manage a bit of CQ if you can headshot consistently. On the other side of the range game I remember getting a few kills out to 100m with it on the way to auraxium. Definitely one of my favourite weapons so far.