TR anti infantry mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by volth, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. volth

    Why do TR anti infantry mines looks like a bag and VS and NC anti infantry mines looks like real life mines?
    TR mines is easy to spot, but NC mines is almost invisible and they explode in the air if you step on them.
  2. FateJH

    They're based on claymores, which look like this:
    That's just an animation. Bouncing betties and proximity mines have different visualizations but the actual ingame explosion encompasses the same damage model, more or less.
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  3. ColonelChingles

    The TR mine resembles the M18 Explosive, and is named after it as well:


    The Claymore is a directional mine, and in PS2 (are supposed to) only do damage in a 180 arc in front of the mine. In exchange for less coverage, the Claymore does more maximum and minimum damage (1,300/350 versus 1,000/200) as well as doing maximum damage at longer range (3m versus 2m).

    Also only the NC mine explodes in the air I think... the VS one just explodes on the ground. That's because the NC mine is a "Bouncing Betty", which jumps in the air before it explodes. Damage wise though I think it does the same as a VS mine.


    Essentially if you stand 2.5m away from a NC/VS proximity mine, you'll probably live. But if you stand 2.5m away from a TR proximity mine, you'll still be dead.

    Up until now TR mines have done 360 degrees of damage, but the Devs are going to change this back by the end of July.

    EDIT- Lol, you might say I was beaten by Fate. ;)
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  4. Ronin Oni

  5. uhlan

    The TR prox mine is the ONLY mine that looks realistic.

    The NC mine should really have the TR model as they are the "throwback/make-do" faction.

    The present NC mine reminds me of a Taco Bell Crunch Wrap... tinted blue.

    The VS mine looks like a lamp base from a 1970's disco.
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  6. Konstantinn

    So you think you're perfectly safe standing behind a claymore mine in RL? I wouldn't.... Though yeah, better behind than in front.
  7. IrishPride

    IRL i have had to set real claymores and they take severe time to set these are MUCH more convenient :D, though i wish they did 360 explosion instead of 180 in the game :(.
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  8. ColonelChingles

    I think officially they say that you should be 16m behind the Claymore in a foxhole when manually setting it off? And also real Claymores have a kill zone of 50m, and are "dangerous" out to 250m. Though real Claymores also only have a 60 degree focus, not the 180 degree one that PS2 Claymores have.

    Then again the WWII Bouncing Betty had a 360 degree kill zone of 20m, and was dangerous out to 150m. So the TR Claymore isn't the only thing toned down in this game. :p
  9. lawn gnome

    TR mines look like claymores and they are also the only mines that DON'T GLOW. TR mines are only easy to spot if you put them right at the top of stairs or some similar situation where they are silhouetted.
  10. Lord_Avatar

    The twin laser beams are still there.
  11. Huxer

    I see the light, I see the light, I see the light.
  12. volth

    NC mines is almost invisible in stairs. TR mines can you spot from 10m lol.
    In wolfenstain enemy territory, mines like the NC ones was banned on most servers because it was unfair when they exploded in the air.
    And you see the twin laser beams if you try to hide it. Only new players walk on a TR mine.
    VS mines is little better because they are purple so you can see them better.
  13. lawn gnome

    maybe something is wrong with my graphics because i thought they just removed the laser beams. i haven't seen them for a while, and yes i have spotted several of the claymores, but no associated laser beams. i do remember the laser beams from before though.

    honestly whether something is wrong with my computer or not i think having the claymores WITHOUT the laser beams would be fairly balanced since they do stick up above the ground.
  14. MarkAntony

    can I please swap my bouncing betties for Claymores? They are so much better.