TR and VS, lets buff the NC ! :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Irathi, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Irathi

    I've read yet another thread about NC LMG's having the lowest DPS of the three factions. The fact that all other aspects of the game is completely ignored is always amusing, but the end result is the same. Since the DPS and therefore TTK is the lowest NC seems to think the LMG's they have are the worst.

    So I call upon all VS and TR on this forum to back them up. Lets just give it to them ok? That way we can end this topic.

    All NC 200dmg 500 RPM LMG's should be buffed up to equal DPS as the TR T9.

    The T9 has 143 dmg and 750 rpm so that is 1787,5 DPS
    The Gauss has 200 dmg and 500 rpm so that is 1666,6 DPS

    How much more RPM does the Gauss need you might wonder? +36,25

    I can live with NC having a 536,25 RPM Gauss.. (200*(536,25/60)=1787,5)

    Now we can go back to ignoring all other aspects of the weapons like recoil, accuracy, reload time, magazine capacity, and the fact that a weapon can only fire a complete round not 0.5 rounds. So if you need 1 more bullet to kill it would take 0.12 seconds to fire that with a 500rpm weapon while a 750 rpm weapon would use 0,08 so the difference is 0,04 seconds.

    Jeez if you think 0,04 seconds is the reason you lost that fight....

    /end topic
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  2. FIN Faravid

    You forget this:
    In range high ROF means nothing, only accuracy and damage. So while TR might be best at close range, vanu and NC and better at ranges. If we buff Gauss saw to perform better at CQ, it is over powered becouse you no longer need other weapons, it would be good at any range.
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  3. Irathi

    Actually high ROF can give you a tighter burst (if recoil is manageable), so it can be used to your advantage. The difference there is that TR should burst and NC should single or double shoot. The biggest advantage NC has at range is a slower drop in damage over longer range.

    I'm just saying I can live with NC getting 36 RPM more, I just want the LMG discussion to end.
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  4. EvilJollyT

    Incomplete maths.

    If you allow for the fact that even a good HA's accuracy will be ~25% then it will take an average of 4 shots to hit once, therefore automatically raising the base difference to 0.16 seconds. Then , if you add in the effects of Nano-weave the base difference goes out to a potential 0.32 seconds............ maybe more depending on other factors.

    These times are lengthy in a game where fractions of seconds make the difference.
  5. Cinnamon

    Just make all the guns have the same stats with different names like the sniper rifles and problem solved.
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  6. KenDelta

    ^ Sadly , due to everyone's "QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ my faction is ****e" this seems like the only solution.
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  7. Ned

  8. Irathi

    I'm trying to give you a buff you know? +36 RPM based on DPS discussion.

    Base health 1000, Nanoweave + 250. So 1250.

    Looking at this from a DPS perspective:
    200 dmg, 500RPM, 25% hit = 416,66 dmg per second (including 75% miss). Gives 3,000004 seconds to kill
    143 dmg, 750RPM, 25% hit = 446,875 dmg per second. gives 2,79720 seconds to kill.

    Difference = 0,2028 seconds.
    But at the same time you ignore that weapons cant fire 0.5 bullets, so any DPS discussion is useless.

    Looking at actual bullets required to kill:
    1250/200 = 6,25 bullets = 7 bullets to kill.
    1250/143 = 8,74 bullets = 9 bullets to kill.

    Given a 25% hit chance for both weapons that means a Gauss would need to fire 28 shots(7/0,25) and a T9 would have to fire 36 shots(9/0,25).

    It takes a gauss 28/(500/60) = 3,36 seconds to fire 28 shots which should result in 7 hits and 1 death.
    It takes a T9 36/(750/60 = 2,88 seconds to fire 36 shots which should result in 9 hits and 1 death.

    Total difference is actually as high as 0.48 seconds. Which means the gauss need 583 RPM to have equal TTK.

    And frankly I wouldn't mind at all if the NC gauss had 583 RPM, but then the T9 should get the same damage over range drop as a gauss as well.
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  9. Liewec123

    its not just about dps (although yes, NC are already the lowest here), when you hold down your left button with carv you get small managable bumps of recoil, when you hold down your left mouse button with SAW you feel like you're at the epicenter of a mo'fo earthquake.
    the problem is that this is the general theme with all NC weapons, slower firing and harder to control to achieve equal or lower dps to their TR/VS counterparts.
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  10. Xae

    The other solution is to point and laugh at the whiners.
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  11. Aegie

    The hardcoded values of weapon are meaningless when placed in the context of how they perform within the actual game.

    API data FTW!

    If we look out across the entire population of Auraxis we can very easily tell whether a faction or item is or is not underperforming- it is an empirical fact how well something is doing compared to something else.

    If we see something underperforming after looking at an enormous amount of data then it seems clear that something should be done- what should be done is often related to the why something is or is not under or over performing and this is a bit trickier to answer.

    Still, what the spreadsheets say about weapons is largely irrelevant if we cannot see what performance figures result when a massive group of people are using them over time.
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  12. Thuggernauttt

    OP is so right. NC is pure weak bit thankfully higby has heard the cries of help
    And we getting buffed next patch.
    Nc maxes die super fast to the Zoe and tr mercy.
    Our gauss saw cant hit the broadside of the barn.
    Our tank is ok but our shield is a joke and needs to last 50% longer.
    Reavers are the worst after the nerf patch.
    There is nothing nc has that's good. We are super weak.
  13. Nocturn0l

    I would say the balance between the starter LMGs is pretty good.
    But look at the other starter Weapons:

    NC - 167 dmg / 600 ROF / 1670 dps - 30 rounds
    VS - 143 dmg / 698 ROF / 1664 dps - 30 rounds
    TR - 143 dmg / 750 ROF / 1788 dps - 40 rounds

    Assault Rifle:
    NC - 167 dmg / 600 ROF / 1670 dps - 30 rounds
    VS - 143 dmg / 698 ROF / 1664 dps - 30 rounds
    TR - 143 dmg / 750 ROF / 1788 dps - 40 rounds

    It's obvious TR has the best starter weapons, no wonder everyone is playing them
  14. maxkeiser

    NC doesn't need buffing. They need more players, yes, and some better leadership/unity of various outifts.

    NC guns are deadly. Brutal power. I perform roughly the same when I play either vanu or NC (I just play vanu a lot more).

    Anyone who can't hit people with gauss saw probably can't aim. The last time I used it I murdered people by the dozen. It's an awesome gun and one I would take for any faction RIGHT NOW (I would use it on my Vanu character if I could!).
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  15. maxkeiser

    Nope. The game is asymetric. Half the fun is in the differences between the factions.
  16. DashRendar

    Farmed Statistics: "lol, NC need a buff"

    NC: "guys, look at these statistics, NC need a buff, we should..."

    TR/VS: "an NC killed me once, your weapons are fine."

    TR/VS: "just typical whining, ignore."

    TR/VS: "maybe you NC should stop playing CoD and L2P"

    Farmed Statistics: "guys, I really think NC do need a buff tho."

    TR/VS: "nope" *plugs ears* "lalalala"
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  17. Kumaro

    Oh god no higby!?
    That means a buff/nerf patch!!
    The very sole reason we have all these issues!!!
  18. [HH]Mered4

    I am not seeing the issue here. These things kill me as much as the VS do - when I fight them. :p

    You think I was joking. I am not. Buffing base stats for the sake of balance?

    NC have heavy hitting weapons with slower RoF. TTK is a bout the same.....and accuracy is slightly higher due to the slow RoF of the LMG.

    Can we stop having these discussions already? Balance seems pretty good to me.....on the field
  19. Syphers

    NC is fine the only two downsides are the Reaver by a small margin and dumbfire rockets effectiveness agaisnt their Max due to the lack of range. The EM6 should also be the starter lgm, the saw is a medium-long range gun and it blow in cqc newbies will instantly prefer the t9 and orion over it
  20. Lamat

    This ^

    Even out effective DPS, then improve TR damage fall off.