TR alliance 1 CONZ 0

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nacho401, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Bloodmyth

    I enjoyed watching you guys when I caught up the following morning, organised and fun it's what an outfit should be about. Loved the good bye you gave us at the end ;)
  2. Varanis

    So you admit you have nothing better to do with your life then act like a raging child in /yell ?
  3. MarkAntony

    If you want to trash us why not link it for everyone to see?
  4. Yawnn

  5. Yawnn

    What can I say? Beeing economical independant makes life boring.

    You obviously have a crush on me. You're constantly talking about me or to me (either on forums or in-game). I'm sorry to break your heart, I can't feel like that about another man, its just not my thing, and with that I must end our contact. I know you're obsessed with me, but stalking isn't the way to go.

    MarkAntony, I'll try to find that guys stream vital2k or somthing like that

    EDIT: lucky you the guy doesn't save his streams. Sad, it was fun hearing "Just wait guys, we will show them how puny they actually are", see a platoon drop on us and get totally smashed, hearing "THERE IS SO MANY OF THEM" when it was only 2 squads of us and then everything turns quiet and the platoon leader goes "Yeah guys... I'm sorry about that" lmfao
  6. Varanis

    Don't flatter yourself. If I could play the game or visit the forums without seeing you whine all time I wouldn't be giving you any attention. I don't know where you got the impression that were always talking. I've had two conversations with you, though I suppose thats a record for someone like you.
  7. MarkAntony

    So it wasn't the one on Feb 11? (The one vid vital has on his twitch)
  8. IMTasty

    You all do realize all this immature bickering puts Miller in a bad light. I don't care if you're G00N, Conz or whatever, If you people have problems with each others for whatever reason take it to personal messages, talking trash to others in "public" only makes you look like a ******

    No one else cares how much any of you want to show off or "brag" about something this small, but don't do it in the middle of the game play forum where most people read. If nothing else it's bad PR for both of you, just a friendly advice.
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  9. Varanis

    BRTD were also part of that fight. Funny how you leave that part out. Though that does seem like a tactic of GOON. Follow the other outfits / zerg then try to claim credit.
  10. Yawnn

    No they weren't, check vitals twitch.

    Anyways, I'm out of this thread, ciao
  11. Varanis

    The twitch you just stated had no saved videos... derp.
  12. GamerOS

    Boasting about personal life to inflate sense of importance and success of self.

    Trying to shift the discussion about us being obsessed with him, instead of the other way around where he is obsessed with getting our attention

    Trying to imply other person is gay and less of a person then self, trying to belittle etc.

    No proof, no evidence mean no case.

    Obviously Yawnn is a troll, let's just put him on our collective ignore lists and not give him anymore attention ever anywhere.
  13. LanceDH

    someone remind me why I read these forums sometimes
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  14. GamerOS

    Because somewhere, deep down you still hope that somehow we can get meaningfull and intresting discussions... maybe...
  15. Yawnn

    Well you guys are obviously blind, next to info, you can see a link called video, there you go. Starts at 1 hour 40ish minutes.

    now that was the last post I made.

    Thank you for all PMs supporting my cause, yes I agree with you guys, CONZ are newbs and we shall keep pwning them, like we always do. <3
  16. MarkAntony

    If you are talking about Vital's vid then i don't know what you are talking about. The platoon is never all at the same place from 1:40 to 2:00. You're a bad liar.
  17. SOE-MOD-08

    This thread has ran its course. Locking it down.
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