Toughts of NSX ARX reward

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by T.A.94, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. T.A.94

    So since the NSX Series is on our beloved Planet Auraxis
    i was curious to find out what would be the directive rewards on them.

    Honestly i was suprised about the NSX Funji (trowhing knive) as
    the gold reward. Because of this i cant stop thinking about what would be the
    ARX reward.

    I could believe its "special" in use similar to the other sisters/brothers
    and Id like to read some thoughts of yours but please stay realistic ^^
  2. BartasRS

    It will be a sword... that can cut Galaxy in half with a single blow!


    oh.. sorry, it was suppose to be realistic...
  3. Demigan

    Realisticly? 100 certs, a title and maybe, just maybe a camo. Although version number 50 of the ns15m or whatever it was is a good candidate.

    For fun or rewarding rewards... Maybe the missing NSX shotgun/pistol?
    Since the throwing knife that replaces your grenades is such a unique concept for ps2 standards, maybe something along those lines? I would guess it would be a special utility option, although I have no ideas what it could be.
  4. Shadowomega

    Likely a Katana as it has been one of the most requested melee weapons for the game. Also there was a Katana in PS1 that was handed out at a SOE live, and later by the CSRs/GMs during the waning days of the game.
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  5. Jake the Dog

    How about an automatic NSX pistol that shoots knives like a shotgun. And the knives explode into more knives which also explode. Also receives a x4 hs multiplier. No drop off damage. Has no cof bloom while standing still. has a guided mode that barely works properly. has the ability to fire its entire 30rnd mag all at once. Also you can just throw the pistol at the enemy by using melee because its a knife too, it ohks, but only if its raining on Indar.
  6. BartasRS

    maybe... Banana bomb??? That would be awesome!
  7. Liewec123

    plus all of these japanese-y names :p
    Fujin, Naginata, Amaterasu, Tomoe
    and yeah, ninja throwing knife as the first reward, it would only be natural for the auraxium to be a katana :D
  8. Demigan

    TR and VS get a Katana.
    NC gets a Tanto...
  9. Liewec123

    a tanto that when you swing it fires shotgun pellets. :p
  10. Demigan

    Tanto's were used for sepekku, they werent for comba... Oh I see what you did there.
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  11. SixNineFour

    * MAX flamethrower or melee waepon
    * Melee weapon that can hit multiple targets or melee weapon with HSNV "optics".
    * Burst-fire shotgun with hybrid smoke/decoy grenade attachment.
    * High visibility Implant that enhances vision and reveals infiltrators as if they are spotted by darklight, but doesn't create light for others to see it is being used.
    * Wallhack pistol - does low damage, but high accuracy even at range and permanently spots targets (only for user) till they are killed or change classes.
    * sticky C4 that works only on infantry.
    * a drone (kinda like spitfire)