Totally pissed off!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Juho, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Juho

    Seriously since WG invulnerability was removed there have been always noobs (BR1-11) team killing each other at WG. It just pisses me off when someone starts to shoot me and kills me and I gain an another pointless death to my overall K/D ratio. Please bring back WG invulnerability I've been TKed thrillion times so far...

    If this is not familar, welcome to Cobalt (EU) TR...
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  2. tastyBerryPunch

    I've noticed Justice Squads appearing in WG across faction. What I mean is, as soon as some idiot teamkills someone in WG, 4 people open fire on him and kill him, then 1 medic comes to revive the guy who got teamkilled. Kinda makes me proud of the community.:D
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  3. Vikingo

    Lol, I was just there teaching my friend the basics of PS2 in the TR warpgate when the civil war started, we had to change continent.

    Like I said in another thread, the warpgate is the most dangerous place on auraxis right now.
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    What is worse are the guys that wait for you to walk up to a terminal to spawn something, then fill your brain with bullets.
    Now you are out the resources, and you are on cooldown..
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  5. Fangry

    I feel sorry for those that care about K/D ratio...

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  6. IamDH

    Despite his mention of K/D, this is still an issue. Sorry OP, you're going to have to deal with it until they find out what causes the invulnerability bug
  7. Fangry

    I find it funny to go on NC or VS and C4 people
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    I have this tendency to fire my weapons in the wpg as soon as I log in
    Always have done this
    Duno why. After they updated with this new effect in the wpg, me not knowing about it. I logged in and just fired my weapon and managed to spray someone. I was like: wait, what? So started typing this poor guy a sorry tell. And before I could hit send someone else killed me
    So I thought nothing of it and respawned. Tk,d again by the guy I killed
    So I sent a tell explaining I did not know of the new effect and sorry for the kill. No reply, not thinking I accepted a revive from a random
    And boom, dead again
    Then got a tell: that'll teach you noob. By a BR27 none the less. Was a frustrating few min.
  9. Tar

    you need to grow up
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  10. Zakuak

    While I agree it needs to get put back to normal once they fix the invul bug...we have had a few fun knife fights at the WG while waiting for Gal pickup lol.

    Oh but I must say...Flipping libs at the WG has become almost non existent ...Now that the evil doers are faced with a form of retribution for their actions.
  11. Divector

    Funny? thats sick.
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  12. Fangry

    Grown ups don't play PC games..
  13. Tar

    actually, they do.
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  14. WorldOfForms

    He should be banned.
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  15. Fangry

    Banned for playing the game?
  16. NinjaTurtle

    K/D or not it is irritating
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  17. IamDH

    Seems like something an NC would do
  18. Kunavi

    I like how a lot of people act more sober when it comes to WG TKs... Perhaps in fear of varying levels of retaliation, more than being considerate of others caring for their KD or not in the mood. Perhaps they care about THEIR KD too. Vehicle flipping(Intentional I mean) is not happening as often either. Wish we could keep it up once they return the WGs at their previous state. Death or not it's annoying even listening to constant firing and impact sounds while you're trying to decide where to go ETC.
  19. Ultimatestormer

    Had my first incident with this today. I had just spawned in and ran to pull a vehicle, and I got shot in the back enough to drop my shield and a little portion of my health. I responded with a single bullet from my Commissioner, far enough away that it wouldn't even drop an infiltrator's shield. Their response was to mag dump into me, rather irritating, nice outfit too. Luckily that's the only time something has happened to me.

    So yes, this is irritating without a doubt, and I've had too many close calls to count, but I would rather have this smaller issue than the invulnerability bug. The sooner both get fixed, the better, but it's survivable.
  20. david06

    It would not be so bad if most of the teamkillers weren't 4th faction trolls.