Total Recoil is looking for pilots

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Magnifiscent, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Magnifiscent

    Apparently the Mods here don't understand the purpose of making cross-server posts and moved this thread from the Waterson forum. As the original post was to recruit waterson pilots who might be leaving NUC or looking for another outfit, connery pilots are free to look at my Connery post aimed at recruiting new pilots.

    Thanks mods! Appreciate the help. Having two identical posts in the same forum isn't unnecessary or anything! Hey, here's a thought. Why don't you move my Matherson post in here too? Too bad you don't have moderation permission on Reddit and PSU, too, you could get all 5 of my posts in one place in direct opposition to the purpose of making posts in more than one forum!
  2. Monkeydmomo

    Nuc's bravo squad already has that role for their faction on this server, you're better off looking elsewhere.
  3. Magnifiscent

    I'm looking everywhere, actually. NUC is a fine outfit. From what I understand, they are undergoing some big changes because they are unhappy with the current competitive scene and are suffering from the side effects of concentrating so much talent in one place. TxR isn't looking to recruit the top aces from Waterson. We're looking for anyone interested in flying.

    If there are pilots from any faction on any server, or people looking to become pilots, TxR is looking for you. We play hard, have a good time, and usually acquit ourselves well - even against the ultra-competitive teams.

    Nothing wrong with letting people know we're out there too, looking for more players like ourselves.
  4. IamnotAmazing

    that would require nuc to be active
  5. Magnifiscent

    Letting people know I'm looking for pilots requires nuc to be active?

    Man, those guys were more instrumental to the day-to-day activities in this game than I thought.
  6. IamnotAmazing

    well we've pretty much got no pilots after they all quit so, yeah
  7. Magnifiscent

    I'm sure the NUC guys will bounce back. They've got too much of a reputation to be short on competent recruits for long. Either way, if anyone is looking for a new place to fly, TxR is looking for you.

    Wait - did this thread get moved?

    Great job mods! I clearly wasn't purposefully recruiting across servers looking to bolster TR population on connery! FANTASTIC JOB!

    Up hill battle dude.
  9. Magnifiscent

    You should see the Matherson thread. Ridiculous.
  10. SNAFUS

    I would make an attempt on Reddit if you have not already done so. And don't let all the whiny nay Sayers talk ya down there is nothing wrong with offering pilots to join us on Connery.