Tonight 3 invincible harrasers with gatekeepers must have killed 30 tanks w/o 1 death

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Can't believe I'm saying this...... but stop posting & chill out.
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  2. Taemien

    Nerf the weapon, and you'd still be wrecked in the same situation. 30 zerglings killed by 6 coordinated players. It will happen over and over and over. You can nerf everything but 30 zerglings can't hope to have a chance against coordination. Just isn't going to happen.

    The only question is, when is everyone going to stop making pitiful excuses for their ineptitudes, and take personal responsibility?
  3. Moridin6

    true in that situation he was screwed regardless..
    doesnt mean the GK Doesnt need some work
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  4. Revel

    Adapt and overcome or die
  5. Taemien

    I really don't think it does. Its annoying, sure. But I've been annoying people with Ravens and Phoenixes for as long as they've been a thing. Never mind what the VS has done with Vortexes and Lancers.

    Sure they're different weapon types, but TR has nothing capable of such except the Gatekeeper. Let them have their toy. Its not even as effective as the listed NC/VS weapons at the same job.
  6. Cynicismic

    I like you too. You have a methodical approach to issues and a fair hand, and you aren't afraid to admit something that maybe other members of your faction wouldn't like to hear. You're well spoken, and seem to also have a great sense of humour.

    Let us conquer all! Forumside will be ours!

    *Laughs manically before retreating back into the shadows*
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    I like where this is going.
  8. ALN_Isolator

    THE WARP CANNOT CONFINE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *warp confines and strangles ALN to death*
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  9. Moridin6

    ive looked at all these sheets, all these and other posts, but mostly i go on my own experience.
    and man, watching my harasser or my mag just melt akin to a vulcan pulling up next to me, and its coming from Across the map . .
    with the H i can probably hide, mostly , but man the maggy is in deep donkeyclegg if im not near some Substantial cover. the many times i Think im hidden and still that gk is landing Tons of shots on the tip of my sauron sticking up(im guessing) . . :(
    cant get a shot on target with the SLOW ap rounds, gotta hope i Have a gunner for one and hes worth something.
    often unless the gunner on my H is on his game gk harassers in cqc can and will win. im talking 1 on 1 here, 30-60m . its so easy for them to land so many more shots that even my Amp can barely keep up. im popping fire supres, have an engi in back, and we'll Barely survive.. something wrong. i feel it, i see it, this persons "numbers" show it while anothers dont but..
    i was so excited to have something on -par-ish with the vulcan, and now its been effectively replaced by an Old School PPA that does VEHICLE DAMAGE and does Not in fact have glowing orbs to mark its passage..
    PPA needed work, it got its legs cut from under it instead. i dont want that to happen, to anything, Ever Again in this game, but the GK needs work, a touch, a Tiny tone down. a touch of bloom, a snip off the velocity.. something
  10. Scr1nRusher

  11. Astriania

    Trouble with Gatekeeper is that it's far too easy to use at extreme range (beyond where you can use Saron or Enforcer). So there's not really any counter to it with other vehicles.
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  12. CapEnTrade

    1. it's less accurate than the counterparts.
    2. the fact that we had or had not x weapon or x weapon of x type in the past is totally irrelevant.
    3. Perhaps you should consider that more people are using the gatekeeper because it's fun
    4. Look at the mathematical stats if you want to say anything without making yourself sound like a BLOODY MORON! THIS INCLUDES EVERYONE, I'M NOT PARTIAL TO ANY SIDE OF THIS ******** ARGUMENT!
  13. Scr1nRusher

    It takes forever to kill something, especially if you are moving around.
  14. Jake the Dog

    Let me REEAALLLY break it down for you. *Casts sunlight blade on zweihander, grabs shield, engages the abyss...*
    Congratz. TW OP ik, thats not the issue.

    Completely false statement. DO YOU EVEN PLANETSIDE!?! Turrets have a range cap. GKs do not, but we are getting closer to the main point.

    If it can hit you (thank you DBG for increasing render range on LR AV weapons, with the exception of excessively large fights) you can hit it. The moment a half decent tanker hears a mana av turret, AP shells are going to rain on it. Mana turrets can't run at 120kph. Could they gank me by surprise? Sure, they just wouldn't exist anymore when I pull my second tank. Harassers are another story.

    Fixed it for you.

    Infantry get more an more effective ways to engage vehicles with every update. Tanks get the opposite. Also If my AP is hitting you while you're standing still locking onto my tank at 100m you deserve to die. If you stay on a engy turret while shooting you're going to die.
    If you're even a shred of a decent tanker/infantryman/sundy driver/pilot terrain utilization is a must. That hasn't changed since beta.

    My question now for you is how, as a prowler driver (auraxium to boot), am I less relevant than you? Does this weapon not only apply to harassers, but to prowlers as well?

    As someone who plays this game on every faction EXTENSIVELY how am I not a valid source? Maybe, its my opinion but experience dictates otherwise.

    Now for the real issues. The GK is too easy to use. By all means DO NOT NERF ITS DPS. Instead either buff enforcer/saron to be comparitvely easy to use OR nerf GK with a slight bloom and velocity reduction. The latter imho, is a better option.

    I AM NOT SUGGESTING THAT THE GK BE NERFED TO THE POINT THAT IT IS NO LONGER EFFECTIVE PAST 100 or even 200 m. BUT make it so that you have to use fire discipline and controlled bursts.

    You: BUT NEO (AKA Jake the Dog)! THE GK HAS LESS DPS!
    Neo: Yeah if your face is right up to his barrel... Other wise it takes a large amount of fire discipline to achieve half the dps of the GK.
    You: Enforcer OP!

    P.S. Proton torpedos can't melt durasteel.
    P.S.S. Yeah I'm bored and tired.
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  15. Revel

    Would you run to the forums and complain if 6 guys on a hill with Lancers lit you up at the exact same time?

    Completely TRUE statement. DO YOU? AV turrets still shoot a ridiculous range with pinpoint accuracy thanks to wire guidance. Those 6 guys can hit you from Indar excavation all the way towards the bottom of Quartz Ridge.

    If they can hear it, then the engineer did a bad job deploying. Most of the time your first sign of a turret is going to be the plunk of the rocket and a flashing damage bar, or seeing it hit someone else.

    And you don't deserve to die when 3 harasser teams target you and light you up?

    I dont think anyone said you were.

    VS and NC have plenty of easy to use weapons. For a long time the TR didn't. VS and NC have better long range infantry and MAX AV options. Asymmetrical balance man ;)
  16. Jake the Dog

    Nope, lancers aren't on a mobile platform which will shadow me across the map.
    Umm... I have a sh**ty a** laptop, I've never seen a AV turret not pop up in render range. Unless he's got some crazy cover/concealment he's dead.
    You'd be surprised what you can hear in this game and it will often save your life ingame.
    Not what I said. But sure, if you have 3 weapons sitting at render range that is out of range of all other AV ganking tanks thats totally balanced.
    Then why would you even bring up that I was a tanker, when if anything makes me more relevant to the discussion? Unless you yourself are biased on this issue and therefore, not relevant in any civil discussion.
    This is by far the most common and stupidest excuse I see TR using. Pheonix is not long range AV btw, I despise it, but it is very situational. No one here disagrees that the TR Max NEEDS to have fractures buffed and the striker to not be complete s***. But you cannot say that is balanced because one aspect is crap, especially considering you have pounders (which are so much fun I might add) and ES AV is ALWAYS situational its generally better to pull a deci or a lock-on no matter what faction you are.

    Im all for bringing TR MAX AV/striker in line with the other two.
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  17. Revel

    Yes it is. 300m is well within the long range category in this game.

    Also, a harasser can't outrun air. Coordinate some support. Don't expect to be able to handle every threat.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    When will those UltraMarines get here........
  19. Jake the Dog

    They were all slaughtered...
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  20. Taemien

    I do have to point out.. the GK is accurate to being near pinpoint. And the idea that its hard to use while moving is false. I've been able to reliably hit fast moving ESFs while moving.

    So those that are saying its hard to hit with are being dishonest.

    With that being said.. a single harasser is NOT decimating entire tank columns. Not happening, didn't happen, and won't happen. The OP admitted that it was THREE harassers working together. That's three hitting the same target.

    The question I have is with 20-30 tanks why weren't they doing the same thing. Do you all know what that many tanks can do to a harasser? To two harassers? To five? They could have instagibbed them. But why didn't they?

    It is utter Bullsh-t to say that a Vanguard can't hit a harasser. That Titan AP round is fast, accurate, and devastating to harassers. And then there were lightnings as well. Most of you run Skyguards and AP Pythons when facing vehicles, since no infantry were discussed I'm going to assume Vipers were not used.

    And VS have access to Lancers. No nanites needed. I'm sure a group of 3-4 of them could have wrecked the harrassers. Just like a few phoenixes can do the same. As to the person who said you can't.. take it out a bit more often and you'll get better with it.

    NC players really need to man up here. As I've said before we've had Phonexes and Ravens to accurately hit vehicles from decent ranges and without facing returning fire. Start grouping up and using those strengths.

    And therein lies the real problem. Lonewolves getting wrecked by teams. Sorry but nerfs won't stop you from getting wrecked. Your entire purpose in Planetside 2 is to be farmed by teams. Nothing more. Just sit there and take it. Know your place. You want something better? Get better and team up.