Toggle Primary Weapon? vs Previous/Next Weapon?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzWeaverPS2, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. BuzWeaverPS2

    Unless I'm missing something I can't get the Primary Weapon type feature that is in most FPS's to work in PlantSide 2. In other words, I'd like to be able to switch from Primary to Secondary back to Primary. When I hit Previous Weapon (which I Keybind as M) It just cycles through the weapons.

    So if I'm using my Primary, shot the full magazine, hit Previous it will go to my Secondary, but if I hit Previous again it goes to my Engineer/Medical tool, instead of back to Primary. This is incredibly annoying. I know you can hit 1 - 6 to choose a weapon. I know you can assign Next Weapon to the scroll wheel, but its so much more practical and efficient to hit One button versus moving my hand to the number keys or scrolling.
    • Up x 1
  2. WilsonMG

    Look at it like this... Next goes one way (up or down) Previous goes the opposite. Couldn't tell you which is up or down though because I use the 1-5 keys to go straight to whatever it is I need.
  3. mendota

    doesn't the mouse wheel switch through your weapons? flick down [NEXT WEAPON] for your secondary, then flip up [PREVIOUS WEAPON] for your primary.

    and, maybe your hands or keybinds are radically different than mine, but hitting the 1 or the 2 along the number row isn't that hard either.
  4. TheRealTripWire

    Personally, I would much prefer Primary weapon and Pistol to be separate from Tools, so that I can switch between Primary/Pistol on MouseWheelUp and Tools (med/ammo kits, heal/repair guns, engineer's turret, rocket launcher, etc) on MouseWheelDown. I don't believe the way it currently is lends well to rapid weapon switching unless using the number keys bound to each slot.

    Alternatively to the above, have it exactly the same way but add the heavy's Rocket Launcher to the Primary/Pistol key as an exception (and the ONLY exception) so that we don't accidentally use a med kit when we meant to pull out a rocket launcher and fire immediately.

    Indeed, some of the items that are cycled through with the Previous/Next Weapon keys aren't even weapons and thus don't belong there.
  5. mendota

    hm. i've definitely used my med kit as a LA when i'd meant to pull out my repair tool; i thought i was still an engineer. i suppose in that case it'd be nice to have deeper customization on the loadouts. i would move medic kits to slot seven or eight, if they allowed it. that gives ample room for squad beacons, engie tools, and whatever else.

    and, come to think of it, wasn't that kind of customization something in the first Planetside?
  6. TheRealTripWire

    That's not the same situation or type of customization at all though.. a LA can't have a repair tool but an Engineer does have both a repair tool and a med or ammo kit. Your error was your own (I'm not blaming you here, we've probably all made the same mistake).
  7. BuzWeaverPS2

    My Movement keys are set up on the bottom of the keyboard so I've have to left my hand to get to 1 and 2 which means I'd be standing still during the transition, this would prove fatal. I'm a mouse looker and use the Right Mouse button to move forward, so again, using the mouse wheel would be possible, but impractical. Having ONE button switch between the Primary and Secondary is incredibly ideal.

    I'm somewhat boggled by the lack of this simple function.
  8. mendota

    i meant more that i like the idea of being able to separate out tools from med kits from squad tools from weapons. having access to the whole number row, plus being able to customize loadouts to use the whole number row could be part of that.
  9. Elrobochanco

    I would very much like a primary toggle like bf3:
    if on anything but main gun -> swap to main
    if on main -> swap to pistol

    Currently I have binds to go to main and another to pistol and it seams kind of wasteful.
  10. TheRealTripWire

    Elrobochanco and mendota my suggestion implicitly covers yours, if you think about it. :) Though mendota I would agree that it would be nice to have the med kit as single-press item like the grenade.