Todays patch explained

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SirJMD, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. SirJMD


    Jokes aside tho.. I hope to see a fix for the low fps, the fps drops, the bugged turrets, the issue where I sometimes only carry 1x C4 (eventho i bought the feature to carry 2).
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  2. hojjat

    i rly have problem to download high than 500mg ! why 4 gig!!! this game got 3 days to download for me ! now i should wait 2 days to download the patch?:(:confused:
  3. Dubious

    Dun worry, the game is worse than it was before patch
    Its not even playable at this point..
  4. VelcroPudding

    it's seriously not that bad

    sorry to hear it's going to take so long hojjat, but on the bright side, it's patch day so figure it's gonna be slow this weekend while the bugs get sorted out anyways
  5. DustyMonolith

    Speak for yourself. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones not being hit with brutal FPS spikes every few seconds, but for a lot of us the game is indeed unplayable. Yes, that bad.
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  6. VelcroPudding

    I do believe I was speaking for myself.
    I haven't seen the FPS issues everyone's complaining about, however I know it's an issue.

    I also saw the developers MESSAGING US IN GAME to contact them IN GAME about this issue immediately.

    I have played many MMOs, and in not one, I repeat, never in any MMO have I ever seen a developer in game messaging everyone on a server to contact them to help them fix any problems from a patch.

    I'd bet it gets sorted out a lot faster than say that bug in WoW where you wouldn't get mail for 2 hours or that bug in Warhammer where people would just freeze for 4 secs when too many choppers swung their cleave at one time. Honestly, it's not that terrible and I'd give it a couple days since everyone and their brother is downloading the patch right now which might be causing unreasonable lag.
  7. DustyMonolith

    I guess since you don't have the issue Velcro, you're just not able to understand that it IS that terrible. I don't know anything about WoW mail issues or Warhammer choppers, but I don't think they matter here. Not getting my mail in WoW didn't prevent me from moving.

    I'm not trying to argue with you, just trying to let you know that what's happening here IS a big deal. It IS impossible to play a first person shooter when every four seconds your game essentially freezes (Mega FPS drops, not latency). That makes it 'that terrible'.

    That said they're no doubt busting hump to fix this, and I for one appreciate their efforts and can't wait until they do fix it and we can all dig into the new changes.
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  8. Twigifire

    1.1 GB done. fek yes.
  9. Bill Hicks

    ahhh that kitty is so cute ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. Indalecio

    Ok,since you are annoyingly rude here is how it goes.Velcro clearly told you that if you WAIT then the developers (that are trying to fix the problem) are trying to resolve the issue AS WE SPEAK.

    So you know what you will do?You will sit down and ***** WAIT.You know why?Because you like this game so much that as soon as everything is resolved you will stop ******** and join to play because you LOVE IT.

    So in a few words.Shut the **** up and wait for the Devs to do their job and give you the pleasure?You dont like it?Go somewhere else.Also if you say that you have paid and ****,then i dont care,i have payed also,but i will wait because i know that it will be resolved at some point because i see a dedicated team behind this game.

  11. Tantrumus

    I'm going to politely ask for Sony to treat PS2 in a way that it's not F2P (because there are many like me who have NO problem paying to support this game) and Test. This MAX burster problem with the massive FPS spikes while they spam their guns would have been discovered very quickly.

    That's all. Thanks.

    Heck I would be happy to install a patch before it's prod and hop on a test server to give feedback.
  12. DustyMonolith

    Weird. Guess you missed the last line of my post. Here it is again: "That said they're no doubt busting hump to fix this, and I for one appreciate their efforts and can't wait until they do fix it and we can all dig into the new changes."

    Sorry if you misread my tone, doesn't always translate well on the internet after all but I was going out of my way to be civil.

    Oh and yes, I do love Planetside 2.