To the guy that complaint about low cert gain

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Clay, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. Clay

    • Up x 1
  2. Morti

    Cert gain has been the best it's ever been, tho.

    Ribbons, extra MAX kill XP ect. Hell just flipping a point now is worth 2 certs iirc.

    I've found support role+ support sundy to be rather lucrative cert farms.
  3. Reltor

    I want to congratulate you .... but that Captured by: [IVI] 3Hyperion haunts me.....

    regardless of ****** outfits capping bases, congrats
  4. Crayv

    Thanks, back when I used that method to cert farm I would sometimes be the "dominate outfit" even though I was the only person online in it.... in a fight with 96+ friendlies.

    Also it shows you can cert farm without even getting kills. Even without boosts and memberships that would still be an impressive cert gain.
  5. Taemien

    Then I'm making you work double time then, and there's not much you can do about it. Like I told the other guy, we can see if the shepherd can beat the wolf.

    Point is, complaining about my playstyle, isn't going to get you anywhere, as I'm not going to change how I play.
  6. TheKhopesh

    Oh god, that sig is awesome.