to admins , please read this

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by littleshan1, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. littleshan1

    please help balance the population on Soltech, for example reducing the maximum limit per faction on the continent from 200 to 150 or reducing the nanites of factions with over 38% population on the continent or block construction system for overpop side for reduce A2G farmer overpop bully VS newbers

  2. 0storm1

    I agree with your thoughts.
    Soltech has had a skewed population for a long time, and depending on the time of day and duration, the skew is extreme with only one camp at 40%~60% and so on.
    VS sometimes maintained around 21% about 3 years ago. Before New Year's this year, however, it was extremely low, around 14~16%.
    Soltech's population ratio cannot be maintained by leaving it up to the players. It is impossible without some kind of restriction on the part of the system.
    Overall this game leaves too much choice to the user.
    This goes back to the game balance, but if players don't pull their own weight to some degree, there will be no battle.
    To be clear, the system in this game does not take into account people who only think about winning at all.
    I don't know if they don't expect a population ratio that exceeds 60% with the sole consideration of winning, or if they listen carefully to those who fight with an overwhelming advantage, but personally, I think there should be something like not allowing people to log in to that force if they exceed
  3. littleshan1

    people leave Soltech because NC overpop , VS leave game , TR go to VS for balance pop and TR die , TR leave ,TRVS leave , all people leave more , NC big pop , VS TR leave game

    and game die

  4. 0storm1

    In fact I too got tired of the population gap and cheetahs and migrated my major activities from Soltech to emerald.
    It was not a battle no matter how hard I tried at 14% against a 60% enemy.
    Most of the overpopulated hours were pushed to the warp gate.
    This is a huge problem if the system doesn't do something about it, such as not being able to log in when one force is over 35%.
    VS was always a tough fight, so if you wanted to survive, you had to be strong, even if you were basically a stray.
    And there were many elite players.
    Because of this, they barely managed to win even in the most absurd conditions.
    But if we think in terms of the pre-New Year period, when the number of people decreased, we can't say that now.
    The answer is clear enough without applying Lanchester's quadratic law.
    At least those who never quit always OVER POP will probably only seek to win until the servers are destroyed.
  5. 0storm1

    I remember this somewhat suddenly.
    A few years ago, I think developers were thinking about population balancing in one way or another.
    It was the implementation of NSO, or the population balance queue.

    And as far as the NSO was concerned, it didn't solve the fundamental problem.
    At least, it could be fixed to the most number of forces.

    The population balance queue was abolished and eventually, if you took the time, you could log in to the most forces.
    Maybe the population balance queue was protested by a significant number of players and they abandoned population balance altogether. But if the result is the status quo, is it right to abandon the approach to population balance? At the very least, we need to rethink our methods.
    Moreover, when the population balance queue was implemented, we were talking about 38%~40% maximum force.

    Before I created my character on the emerald server, it was really hopeless.
    Roughly 60%.
    Sometimes 65% during the worst of the overpopulated times.
    It was common for both forces to be engaged near the warp gate.
    And even though the camps that were pushed into the warp gate could not use their buildings, the largest force had built several bases and was fighting against an inexhaustible supply of Nanites.

    To begin with, Nanite is very strong in this game, even if the number of players is equal.The push by individual values is strong and is considered a problem on some servers.
    The problems raised on other servers are much more serious on Soltech.The synergy between the number of players and Nanite is immeasurable.
  6. littleshan1

    do you want join my outfit ?
  7. 0storm1

    I am sorry.
    I am a solo player and decline invitations to all outfits.