TMG-50 needs some love <3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illuminati, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Utrooperx

    Eh, I Aux'd the TMG on two different TR toons...the slow ROF usually would get me owned by mystical dancing-between-bullets VS with guided missile Orions and NC GD-22 & Cyclone the MSW...gosh, I like that weapon...
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  2. Borsty

    I learned to love the TMG, it's all about bursting with it. If you managed that, it's great. Really sad I auraxiumed it long time ago and have to use other guns for directives now :(
  3. Goldmonk

    That's the key with all LMG's. If you try to hold down the trigger, it will bounce everywhere. Short, quick bursts are all that are needed.
  4. bubbacon

    If you have "decreased" the travel time of the bullet, then you have increased the speed of that bullet. Just as SOE states...HVA has a "faster travel". I look at it like this...Say I have a typical 143/700rpm going against a 143/800rpm. Now if I add HVA to the 700rpm, something has got to give here. What I have effectively done is close the TTK gap with HVA without a RoF increase, but I get the same result with HVA as I would get with a RoF increase.
  5. Axehilt

    RoF means rate of fire. It's pretty unavoidably literal and something doesn't "have to give" if the bullets are faster.

    If you're in New York and send 3 trains to San Francisco per day, increasing the speed of those trains by 10% does not cause more trains to arrive in San Francisco. The trains still arrive 3 per day. They'll arrive a little earlier if they're faster, but you are not magically creating more trains out of thin air.

    The rate is unchanged. How early the trains arrive will be improved with faster speed, but the rate is unchanged.
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  6. Alarox


    RoF means how many bullets are fired over a period of time.

    If my weapon fires at 600 shots/min, HVA doesn't increase that.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    Thank you for that and yes, I am real, but clearly a bit unusual. I really can't understand why people don't adapt when there are so many weapon and attachment choices and VR training to try them out in safe mode for free. VR must be one of the most underused features of the game based on the average of about five other people I see whenever I go there. I must say I find these "worse than/better than" and "nerf/buff" posts interesting in the sense that they prompt me to go there and experiment.
  8. Isokon

    I understand what you are getting at, but higher velocity does not have the same effect as higher ROF. The benefit you get from higher velocity depends on range, higher ROF benefits you equally regardless of range. Also, a lower ROF weapon can never beat a higher ROF weapon even if you have instant bullet travel. At best you'll get a trade.
  9. SerasVic