TIW,RCN6 Dominate TR, NC is not broken!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. toxs

    1080 is slow to update so check back when its done if it wont load 1080 :(

    I would like some video feedback and some general feedback.
  2. MurderBunneh

    How you guys do in the Community Clash? O thats right you got smashed.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    to be fair they did face FCRW :p
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  4. Kyouki

    I don't get it, all I see is the OP cqc NC max being used in cqc.
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  5. ComradeHavoc

    What are you smoking? Are you serious?! There's the door, now leave!
  6. Kyouki

    I can't, there is a instagib max on the other side.
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  7. toxs

    "something glass house"

    TIW is always looking for another scrim. By the way I find it funny that the majority of people who jump down my throat for losing a scrim typically are not part of an outfit nor have any interest in playing against us.
  8. toxs

    You just started the never ending war have fun.
  9. Ash87

    Who are you with, and how many times have you played Future Crew in scrims and won?
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  10. GSZenith

    video: nice fps, clean, no annoying effects making your head hurt, ts sound might be a little on the low.

    content: organized players vs randoms running in 1by1, i've seen this movie before, didn't go well then either.

    /off trolling vehicle forum.
  11. Aander

    Last night on Esamir, I saw the NC pust the TR back from a base whose name I forget to the Octagon. [TIW] and [RCN6] seemed to be leading the charge. You guys are definitely some of the best NC Waterson has to offer. Kudos.
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  12. toxs

    Thanks I will increase volume for TS next time. I guess the pub stomp/domination is getting old...
  13. MykeMichail

    OP LOL
  14. ovakin

    Hey Toks use Audacity to record your mic, it's a great free tool.
  15. EvilJollyT

    Video is not bad. but I don't agree that the NC aren't broken. Sure, there are players and outfits that do absolutely fine but there is no doubting that they would likely do better if they were TR.
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  16. Boomotang

    I doubt it.
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  17. asdfPanda

    I doubt it.
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  18. TheShrapnelKing

    It was more than that. We had outfits attacking literally every single point across the entire TR frontline, and the VS at the Amp station too (though we didn't take that). What happened was we all advanced one territory forward along the whole TR line in the last 20 minutes and swung the territory control from 48/36 to 41/43.

    Honestly I didn't think it would work seeing as how we had equal pop but you guys started the alert with half the map. Between the beginning and the last 20 minutes we only had 2% more control. I'm not sure what happened to the TR exactly since it was a virtual stalemate for almost the entire thing.
  19. Aander

    Yeah, I was only on for 30 minutes or so last night, but it seemed like a lot was going on. I hated to log off but was too tired to play anymore. It seems I missed one hell of a fight.
  20. TheShrapnelKing

    Like I said it was 1 hour 40 mins of NC and TR forces of the exact same size meeting halfway between two bases, fighting, one following the other back to their base, getting pushed back, vice versa, back to the middle again.

    The last half hour where we seemed to be getting somewhere was intense. At any point a bunch of TR could have redeployed from fighting VS and stopped one of our caps and won the alert, but they didn't.