Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ostekake, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Ostekake

    You are a complete joke with your current anti cheat/hack strategy/tactic.
    I would think lulzec SHOULD have given you a lesson or two...
    Are you back to your old culture of boardroom anti hacking through reditt and twitter ?
    What are you doing ?
    WAKE UP !

    We are fed up with hackers going rampage day after day without anything being done to those being reported !

    FIX IT - NOW !

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  2. Erik

    I have never seen any hacker last more than a couple days. Consider that SOE has to investigate these guys and be sure they are cheating before they ban them, and from what I can tell they are doing a good job. I don' see too many hackers, and the ones which I do come across do not last long.
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  3. AtlasTR-UK

    This guy single handedly killed out our whole platoon in the space of 3 mins which is impossible..
    not to mention him using the anti infantry weapon on a scythe to drop a sundie in 2 salvos.. it's a joke... :(
    SOE need to get off their butts and do something about this as it's getting outta hand..

    Also to add to this i've checked his profile on PSU and a kill to death ratio of 9.91 .. I mean COME On!?!?
  4. An Hero

    Sony never learns.
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  5. Ostekake

    There have been many instances of the last month where hackers with the same name have been flying around at 10 times normal speed - ANYONE, with a normal game client could see they are hacking, hundreds have probably reported them.
    But still - Several days later, the same name shows up, doing exactly the same exploit.

    Stop making excuses for complete utter ineptness !
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  6. Kiekeboe

    Maybe they will learn when all of this happens during there event :rolleyes:
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  7. Kubor

    I must admit that I've seen more cheating on Miller in the last couple of days than I've seen since release.

    Today alone I've been killed by an invincible Reaver using a rate of fire hack with rocket pods. Been killed, along with a number other people, by a VS under the map at Ti Alloys. Had a VS cloaker overtake my full speed Prowler and blow it up with C4, and seen other various people on all three empires using speed hacks.

    It's such a shame. We had this long discussion during beta about how SOE would deal with cheaters once the game was released. I had high hopes that they would take the matter seriously. Fat chance :(

    We have blatant cheaters that don't get dealt with for hours on end, or even days. Those that do get banned for using cheats get a pathetic and insulting 7 day slap on the wrist before being allowed to play again. No wonder SOE is the laughing stock of the cheat sites.

    What was needed was a zero tolerance policy. I don't understand their leniency one bit. It's like they never learned a single thing from what happened in Planetside 1.

    Sometimes I despair of this company.
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  8. Wobberjockey

    stop using /report and start submitting tickets

    tickets hit the SOE staff over the head when they come in where as /report does not
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  9. Jaquio

    Since the very first day of launch, SOE has done absolutely nothing to demonstrate that they are attempting or even care to hamper or punish hackers.

    If you want to enjoy PS2, you're just going to have to learn to deal with it. It's rough and extremely frustrating, I know, but SOE will do nothing. I don't know why, but they won't.
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  10. Dubious

    Why should WE work to remove hackers?

    1 active GM could look at the reports and decide on the spot if they are hacking or not..
  11. Ostekake

    I'm not going to /report or file a support ticket...
    All it takes is for ONE - Just O N E single, support rep, to be present on Miller server, watch him, and get rid of him.

    NOW !

  12. Zan_Aus

    It's a time honoured tradition from EQ days. ShowEQ basically worked without limit for the whole of Everquest's lifespan (eg 10 years) so wouldn't be holding my breath.
  13. smokemaker

    Besides a flying tank. I have yet to see a real cheater.
    I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
    If all you ever worry about is cheaters, all you will ever see is cheaters, real or imagined.
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  14. Pemtaphalon

    Sounds like it's largely in the US servers, in my EU server I haven't seen any yet
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  15. santuckcasper

    yeah hackers run wild and SOE does jacks**t to stop it, im gonna laugh my a** off when during this "ultimate empire showdown" a bunch of hackers get on and ruin it because SOE is letting them run wild, then they will get their act together and stop the hacking, or not, i just want the hackers gone already, i mean come on SOE, it is really the only complaint i have about this game, ALL THE HACKERS, please stop them already
  16. santuckcasper

    just send out a few SOE peeps to play on each server and if you see someone hacking ban them, its that simple guys
  17. wildari

    you think they will broadcast that live?
  18. Ostekake

    Midnight GMT
  19. PsyStorm

    I have been doing tickets and get a reply every time. There is a thread about the report not being effective or working. Just take the extra time to make a ticket and they will reply every time.
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  20. Ostekake

    However - this is not a thread about report vs ticket - this is a thread about SOE not doing ANYTHING for several days.