Time to name the exploiters

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheScapegoat, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. TheScapegoat

    Since this crash exploit was being sanctioned for use by outfits and individuals across all servers, I think the mark of the Scarlet Letter needs to be used to shame those who stoop to such unsportsmanlike tactics to win a virtual game.

    I ask SOE to list all bannings related to this exploit, BR, Name (s), Server and Outfit. Let the greater community at large see the ramifications of cheating and decided if they wish to continue interacting with those outfits who resorty to exploit usage.
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  2. Hydragarium


  3. SnAjP

    wount happen, it could stop those scums to spend more cash on new acounts
  4. Tobax

    Doubt it will happen given how SOE is but I admit I'm very curious about who's been using it (players and outfits) and would enjoy seeing a list of banned uses to see who they were. As its been mentioned before once your banned your not an SOE customer anymore so don't see why we can't use these people as an example of what will happen if you hack/cheat/exploit the game.
  5. Cyridius

    All the times an outfit has used this exploit on me on a few servers I've played on, they've all been god awful at the game and still didn't manage to take the base against like 10 people who managed to survive the crash, until reinforcements logged back in.
  6. MaxDamage

    Careful, I think naming and shaming is expressly forbidden.
  7. RedDominion

    How about they just ban them and we move on with our lives?
  8. LameFox

    Yes, tell us the names of banned people so we can make a point of not interacting with them in gam... oh, right.
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  9. Liquid23

    well I'm sure those banned will just come back with new accounts using the same exact names with a 1 on the end or whatever :D
  10. Xandax

    Always been in favor of name ' shame - but it'll never happen, the devs are too scared of it.
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  11. Ayabe

    Nah too many twitch.tv heroes would get slapped and SOE needs the *whatever* they get from those people.
  12. VoidMagic

    So, the mass disconnect thing is ABSOLUTELY 100% an exploit or hack? I was pretty sure it was just the hamsters going on strike.
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  13. Kracken

    It's pretty obvious on Connery, not sure we need a list. I'd love it though, but it won't happen.
  14. Mishkel

    You won't ever get a list.

    They will claim "privacy concerns" which is a load of crap. Why? Because a virtual avatar has no expectation of privacy. If the player behind the avatar shared their information.. that was their choice. So telling people character "A" was banned... gives nothing private.

    So why won't you get a list? Because then they would actually have to perma ban the account and not let them back in after a few days to buy more SC (or pay more sub fees in subscription games). They obviously could list avatar names after the ban/appeal process is over. So the only real reason to not name the avatars... is because they may be unbanned at some point.

    If they ever did a wipe to release names.. they obviously could say at that time that names previously banned would be up for grabs. Thus keeping any future unsuspecting people from suffering the label of the previous owner.

    I am not pointing this response just at SOE. Its an industry wide thing and this is of course... just a post full of my opinions on the subject.
  15. Hydragarium

    Asinine comments like that is exactly why this information is never revealed. IP addresses are not tied to a specific address or person. Well that and the part about stalking people...
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  16. Mbui

    What's the "crash exploit"?
  17. Hydragarium

    You'd crash everyone within hearing distance of an explosion by doing ... something. Yes - Crash, entire client shuts down.
  18. FateJH

    It's an exploit that causes the game's clients to crash.
  19. Kracken

    Anyone bombing in a lib...
  20. Koko L Oko

    ^ This... Never experienced this crash... (Well, one time I did crash out, but my computer actually wouldn't turn on for a while thereafter, so I figured that the game had caused overheat) but I could've sworn I saw on the forums that it was also occurring randomly...