Time to add a new ns chaingun for all heavy assaults?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XimiKai, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. XimiKai

    The only weapon i miss on NC is the terran chaingun heavy gun. Happened with the emissary with the terran autopistol,now is the turn of the terran chaingun to use on every empire.

    NC have nice guns and looks,specially the heavyes,but the terrans have too. And if my progressión is gone after change my ps id online,i start to think to play on terrans,one reason for play them,for the chain gun. I used that gun on PC and is it not anything morè rewarding than shoot continously that gun and see the carnage you do.

    So,it is possible to get a chain gun for every empire? Because they added the thumper that in my opinion,they do not need to.

    They must add the chaingun for every empire.
  2. JibbaJabba

    And a jackhammer for every empire and a lasher for every empire?
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  3. XimiKai

    I only said chaingun,just like the autopistol of terrans have the equal on ns,the emissary.

    But ns shotguns have the baron. And Vanu technology is únique to Vanu. There is only one chaingun in this game using bullets.

    Imagine a ns lasher,Vanu not gonna be Vanu after that. And if you want a jackhammer for all,you are free of request,just i am free to request a chaingun for all. See planetside 2 wiki and you will see on the weapons section an image of that chaingun.

    Is a project of long time ago,but never arrived.

    Edit: just checked now the wiki,the chain gun image i refer,does not appear anymore. The old wiki have an image of the ns chaingun i refer,now is gone.

    Just think in this way,nsx operatives must have a bullets weapon heavy gun,but instead have the thumper,who is explosive. Ns lasher is not possible cause is làser based weapon and then Vanu technology is stealed,so Vanu gonna turn old. The only thing they must have is a ns jackhammer or ns chaingun.

    Some of the empire specific weapons have the equal on ns,why chaingun not just like the emissary? And if you want the NC pistol shotgun,you are free to request.
  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    No. This is why we have factions.
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  5. XimiKai

    Then erase the emissary. You do not care that cause you are terran,but nsx operatives gonna lament that.
  6. DarkStarAnubis

    The T4 AMP and the Emissary are worlds apart mate... They share in common the fact that are automatic sidearms and that's all.

    The Emissary is a low-RPM, medium-damage yet accurate weapon, especially ADS (so at range). You can pump round after round into somebody but it will take ages to die, you could drink a coffee while waiting for it. Except for Stalkers nobody has found a way to make it useful. Thanks God our genius designer (aka Wrel) figured out at least that the HS multiplier needed to be aligned with everything else (so 2.0x) in 2019.

    The T4 AMP is an high-RPM, low-damage but disastrously inaccurate weapon. It is a last hope/pants down weapon to be used almost exclusively from the hip and hoping to kill your enemy in a quick burst or die trying. At that RPM you will go through the magazine in less than 2 seconds, so either you run of ammo (and die) or your enemy dies.

    Having said that, if you ask me you could erase the Emissary any day of the week :D
  7. JibbaJabba

    The existence of the emissary does not diminish the uniqueness of the factions. Giving the other two factions a chaingun would. I'm glad you found a gun you liked but you'll have to play on that faction to get it.

    (and I play all 4 factions. ASP 98 on NSO is my lowest)
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  8. XimiKai

    Why would? Just put a chain gun with other stats like the emissary and amp.
  9. XimiKai

    That is what i am asking,a ns chain gun with different stats,just like the emissary and amp.
  10. XimiKai

  11. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Equating the Emissary and the AMP because they fire fully automatic is like calling my Tacoma a supercar because it too has 4 wheels and an engine. Not sure where your second part comes from, my sig clearly indicates I play all three factions.
    Soooo a reskinned Naginata?
  12. XimiKai

    From your avatar,you clearly play mainly terran,and infiltrator.

    About the rest of the thread,the idea do not like to some,i start to get it. What i do not understand,is that you approve using snipers on engies but not chainguns for all factions heavy assaults. But ok,i do not insist. Maybe if i was not opened the thread of tòxic people,the tòxic people will be ok with the idea of adding the ns chainguns for all factions. The history repeat my friend!!!
  13. JibbaJabba

    Oooh, a red herring and a slippery slope combined into a verbal homunculus.

    I do not agree with moving sniper rifles to engineers.
  14. Exileant

    :eek: Oh 1000 times yes. :D You all can have my Lasher, I would make everyone rue the day they asked for one if I had a T7. Jacks are only a danger up-close, but I will take it too!:p
  15. That_One_Kane_Guy

    My goodness, you mean the avatar you can change whenever you please? Excrement Excellent detective work there, Sherlock!

    1. The majority didn't approve of snipers on Engineers, either.
    2. Snipers are a weapon class, the Chaingun is a faction-specific weapon. Apples to Oranges.
    3. It is possible to disagree with you without being toxic, however it doesn't appear as though it is possible for you not to be toxic when disagreed with.
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  16. XimiKai

    Not agree with my idea? No problemo. I just asking what devs project of ns chaingun provided in images on ps2 wiki.

    About the excrement detective,see how you are tòxic and not me? Go elsewhere piece of kiddo of sh*t. And now you are on my block list.

    There are ways to say things,but the tòxic ones are not approved. Bye ******.
  17. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Nothing of value was lost.